Starting out newbie

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Starting out newbie
Post # 1

Hello everyone, and welcome to SoM. I am inviting the newbies on this site to get some help, and as well as the old.

SoM is a bigger site, it is full of opportunities, but it can be sometimes hard to navigate, I am not a newbie on here due to previous accounts. However for those who are, it's nice to get help and feel welcomed.

At SoM we are one big family, here we offer online covens, chats, divination's, daily horoscope's, and an option of adding friends. This site is highly active, and is a good place to start if you know what to look for, and where to find it.

Note : This is a forum for newbies, I will provide some quick links, and I'm sure some of the mods will as well. This is not for oldies, and I would like for them to not be rude.

Anyways like I said, this place is one big happy family, use it correctly, and use it to obtains Knowledge.

Here are some following links ;

Those are some basic links. They list the basic facts. They included the FAQs, the rules, the tips, and newbie central.

Also for those newbies out there, I also say that it's a good idea to join a coven. They can help create friendships, and answer questions faster. I suggest for any questions to ask a moderator, publisher, or ranked person. Good day to everyone, and welcome newbies!
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