blessing water?

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blessing water?
Post # 1
how exactly do i make real holy blessed water? Is it as simple as calling on the gods for purification?
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Re: blessing water?
Post # 2
The only holy water I know how to make, is water mixed with a small amount of salt
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Re: blessing water?
Post # 3
ya it is but u have to be on good turms with god
or use holy salt
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Re: blessing water?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
You can bless your own water to make it holy. Set water in a bottle under the full moon or on you alter. Add a little bit of sea salt if you would like but remember it can't be used on everything because the salt can leave marks.
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Re: blessing water?
Post # 5
i know how to make holy water... but it is really hard to do... what me to post it on here?

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Re: blessing water?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
Yes chaos please let's hear yours.
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Re: blessing water?
Post # 7
i take a vial of water, sprinkle salt into the vial.

then i bless the water with my energy.
your mind is the most holy of all things, in my honest opinion.

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Re: blessing water?
Post # 8
1. place a glass of spring water or filtered rainwater on your altar. put some salt or sal salis with caput mortuum into a small dish on the altar.

2. perform the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram. (i well show you later)

3. face north with the alter before you and extend your right hand over the salt. visualize the light of holy energy flowing from your palm into the salt and say:
"may this fire-purified salt of the earth become a heavenly salt possessing the wisdom of creation. may it sustain my soul, spirit, and body and preserve them from corruption. may it nourish the earth and fortify my heart. amen."

4. (this is for the ash if you have some...) extend your hand over the ash, and as light flows from your palm, say:
"may this ash return to the eternal fount of living water. may it be a fertile earth. may it bring forth the tree of life. amen."

5. walk around the altar until you stand on its east side, facing west. say:
"in the salt of eternal wisdom, in the water of preparation, in the ask whence the new earth springeth, be all things accomplished upto the age of the ages. amen."

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Re: blessing water?
Post # 9
Ah ha chaos you do it much the same as I!Depending on time(which in my case is genrally very short lol), i will simply mix the ash, salt and water together. Then I place my power hand over the water and say, whilst pouring my enery into it. "I cleanse and purify this water for use in my magical work" or something along those lines.

Blessed be LadyO
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Re: blessing water?
Post # 10
the lesser ritual of the pentagram

1. perform the kabbalistic cross of light (again more i have to type and more you have to do)
2. facing east and with your arm outstretched, draw the aire-invoking pentagram with your wand or the air-banishing pentagram with your dagger, depending on the ritual you are performing. while doing this, imagine that you are tracing a line of bright blue flame in the front of you.
3. now bring your hand up to your chest and thrust it out as if stabbing the center of the pentagram you have just drawn, resonating the divine name of god--yeh-hoh-wah.
4. keeping your arm raised, turn to the south, tracing a quarter circle of blue flame as you do so. now trace the fire-invoking or fire-banishing pentagram. again, thrust your arm to the center of the pentagram, resonating the divine name of god--ah-dom-eye.
5. keeping your arm raised, turn to the west, tracing another quarter circle of blue flame. now trace the water-invoking or water-banishing pentagram. again, thrust to the center of the pentagram, resonating the divine name of god--eh-ee-yay.
6. keeping your arm raised, turn to the north, tracing another quarter circle of blue flame. now trace the earth-invoking or earth-banishing pentagram. again, thrust to the center of the pentagram, resonating the divine name of god--ah-goo-la.
7. keeping your arm raised, turn once more to the east, completing the circle of flame, which now surrounds you with the flaming stars at each cardinal point.
8. open wide your arms in the form of a cross and say:
"before me raphael
[visualize a great yellow light with a violet aura]
behind me gabriel
[visualize a great blue light with an orange aura]
on my right michael
[visualize a great red light with a green aura]
on my left uriel
[visualize a great green light with a reddish brown aura]
about me flames the pentagram
[visualize the great circle of pentagrams around you]
above me the father
[visualize a flaming hexagram--a six-pointed star of two interlocking around you]
below me the mother
[visualize another flaming hexagram]
within me the eternal flame."
9. perform the kabbalistic cross of light in conclusion.

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