my friend & I need help

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my friend & I need help
Post # 1
She needs a spell caster that is willing to help her cast a spell that will help end our friends fighting and forgive each other for all the stupid fights or else they could both die I get these dreams every night of the same thing they both die still fighting over the same thing and my dreams are not just dreams but warnings they play an important role in the war that's coming and so does everyone else can't you see most people are walking up and get dreams and their powers and the talk of other life from the world so if you can please help us that be amazing
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Re: my friend & I need help
By: / Novice
Post # 2
What coming war? While dreams can reveal things, rarely are they showing you literally what's going to transpire.

While you shouldn't cast over people because it goes against their free will, if you feel you should, try a friendship, peace, or other spell to calm them down. From there, try to sit them down and talk calmly. If no compromise can be met, and their friendship is over, ask them to move on. In the long run, they will have less heart ache and stress.
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Re: my friend & I need help
Post # 3

Okay for one, no practitioner will participate in something he/she doesn't even understand. For two, fighting is not uncommon between friends, I am pretty sure that the fighting will not cause a "war". This is what many people call "over dramatic".

Again, I am only understanding bits and pieces out of this...

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