Hi I'm looking for power

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Re: Hi I'm looking for power
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
Much of what you're looking for is fake. You are not going to get superhuman strength or some sort of flashy magic powers that allow you to do stuff that will bedazzle and shock people.

Re: Hi I'm looking for power
Post # 3
I disagree, quantum physics is very powerful! Try these websites.

Re: Hi I'm looking for power
By: / Beginner
Post # 4

Meditate everyday, and work on designing spells that serve a useful purpose. Magic is tied with the mind and belief. THat's why choosing a branch of magic to observe can help you create beliefs about what works and what doesn't. And most have rituals to boost magical strength

You will never get superpowers, what you will get is nothing less than the potential to control your fate and all the consequences that come with it.

Magic can set up series of events that are nothing less than...well magical, but it's a subtle force and you really won't look amazing for it.

I hate to tie magic to specific scientific principles because that's a great way to get caught with your pants down the moment they find more about quantum mechanics. In the nineteenth century people might have claimed magic had to do with radio waves. Magic is magic and science is science and the two should not cross or disprove eachother

Re: Hi I'm looking for power
Post # 5
I wouldent call this a super power but I can be twice as strong as anyone my weight! Sorry to burst your bubble.

Re: Hi I'm looking for power
Post # 6
Hey so how do I get spells from the site you gave me, I can't find anything but comments

Re: Hi I'm looking for power
Post # 7
I am sorry to say that, but you might have a wrong understanding of what quantum physics actually is. Can you please refer how your statement relates to quantum phyisics?

Re: Hi I'm looking for power
Post # 8
Greendragon boasts of super strength and I call fluff on it. There is no instant way to become physically stronger than people who are physically stronger than you. Too claim that there is a way is utter nonsense.

Re: Hi I'm looking for power
By: / Beginner
Post # 9

I'm not saying it's impossible that quantum mechanics is the root of magic. But I think claiming it is before there is any scientific consensus or peer reviewed articles is premature and maybe irresponsible.

We can say whatever we want about magic, but unless we have a peer reviewed research articles that prove conscious thought can predictibally the universe on the quantum level, we're not allowed to just co-opt a branch of physics.

It's a compelling idea but magic is for many a religion and based on faith. When faith tangles with science on the nature of mundane reality we all know who loses.

If magic was an understood force, we wouldn't have people wondering if it's real and every quantum physicist would be making salt circles in their basements.

Re: Hi I'm looking for power
By: / Beginner
Post # 10

By the way agree to the fluff. You can make a spell to improve willpower and determination when dealing with a physical challenge, but instant strength...just no.

Re: Hi I'm looking for power
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
Can Not Will Not Happen. Magick is Not here to do whatever crazy/stupid thing a person can/will come up with. Do the work for yourself not ask the Universe to Give it to you. That is plan laziness.
If your asking for a "Powerful Spell" I have this to say.

Go To A Gym And Workout!

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