Blood Magick?

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Re: Blood Magick?
Post # 4
Thanks. I did some research on the subject but I felt it would be better to ask real people. :)
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Re: Blood Magick?
Post # 5
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Welcome.
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Re: Blood Magick?
Post # 6
Blood magic is the binding of the life
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Re: Blood Magick?
By: / Novice
Post # 7
And the misconception exists that one must offer a lot. This is ridiculous
and dangerous! Usually, only a drop or 2 is sufficient. If one comes in
contact with a spirit that demands more, this is a red flag indeed! I know
with rune work, a female can use the blood associated with her menses
to annoint her runes, but that is a natural flow. Blood-letting in excessive
amounts is dangerous, as it opens one up to infection, diseases, and even
conditions such as anemia, which can be fatal.
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Re: Blood Magick?
By: / Novice
Post # 8
I had a question on this subject also. Does anyone know what gives blood its properties? from what I know it seems that blood serves as a sort of signature and offering in rituals and in spells its the source of the power but does anyone know why? Is it because blood is life and life is the power? or is there a more ancient reason or even both
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Re: Blood Magick?
By: / Novice
Post # 9
Blood is YOU. That is it's properties. Everything you are is in your blood.
In essence and practise, you are offering up your very life force. That makes it, along with other seminal fluids, powerful when used in spells and rituals, to
annoint runes, seals and the like.
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Re: Blood Magick?
Post # 10
Properties of Blood magic and the idea behind it is that blood contains your life(some may even say that trough blood you actually offer yourself for alliance) therefore during ritual it will gather large amounts of energy over what you already used therefor increasing potential of magick cast itself
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Re: Blood Magick?
By: / Novice
Post # 11

Actually Brann, I've heard it's considered an insult by some rune workers, as feminine blood is dead, not living and does not require any sort of sacrifice on the person's part. It's considered more or less smearing bodily waste product on them, which is considered an insult to the runes themselves as some treat them as living entities. Those who treat them as entities feel it necessary to make a proper sacrifice to them, or to make a sacrifice as it happens, either by pricking themselves or by accidental small injury.

In my own experience, I've never used feminine blood on my runes. I've used it for other, fertility based non-Kemetic things, but never on my runes. For me, it would be the same as smearing that blood on any of the Kemetic deity representations I have. However my experiences have shaped me. :)

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Re: Blood Magick?
By: / Novice
Post # 12
Interesting, Sataset. The information I had was what I had gleaned from
research. I am not a woman, obviously, and did not know it might be an
insult. Thank you for this insight :)
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Re: Blood Magick?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 13

Does anyone know what gives blood its properties?

Yes, science describes this quite clearly in the lovely revolving double helix diagram. Blood is literally you. From your blood scientist could clone you. Doesn't that say enough? Did you know that Japanese scientists cloned a mouse from a single drop of blood! How powerful is that?!

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