Fluffy Spells?

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Fluffy Spells?
Post # 1
I just have something to ask about these "fluffy spells." I know what they are - They're spells that are suppose to make you a so called "mermaid" or "fairy" or the like. It just irritates me that some Wiccans/Witches/Pagans on here think that spells and magic(k) can make you grow wings, or become a deity. That's not what a real witch is, and they're obviously either trolling, or just want to join spell-crafting to "turn into a werewolf." It's a waste of many serious spell-crafter's time. Could someone please explain to me why there's so many fluffy spells on here, and how I could avoid them? I hope I don't sound rude or arrogant. My apologies if I do. I can get a little out of hand at times.
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Re: Fluffy Spells?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
for starters the fluffy spells can get annoying, and the people who argue them to be true can be more annoying. you've just got to be patient, explain why they don't work and move on. some will understand, others will argue, i don't think it's really a matter of trolling as misinformation from society.

one way to avoid fluffy spells is reading the subheadings for the spell categories. 90% of all fluffy spells are placed in trick or fantasy [while there are one or two working spells in these categories it was created as a graveyard for spells. just avoid the categories] next, educate yourself on magick so you understand what spells can and can't do, it will be easier to pick out a working spell that way, since there are some grey areas in magick. thirdly, study a bit of herbalism or spell writing, so you can tell if the ingredients listed work with the spell at hand.

the reason why there are so many is for a few reasons, spell casters coven has no filter so anyone can post anything, boasting over 1000 spells on your site is a pretty big draw for many people, and only the site administrator can delete spell and because he's very busy running the site and having an offline life non-working spells tend to sit around for some time [unless they're dangerous like telling you to kill yourself, then mail Petrarca and he will take it down right away.]
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