How can i make spells Wo

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How can i make spells Wo
Post # 1
Hello im a Beginner to magic i wanted to know how to perform them?
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Re: How can i make spells Wo
Post # 2

First off, if you are new to magic, you do not want to start off with spell casting. You want to start off reading how magic works and how to use it. Then you learn about meditation, grounding your energy..ect.

Just remember magick is only energy. Also reading is a major part of magick. Learning how to use it and what it is. I am going to tell you briefly what magick is.

What is Magick?

Magick is energy that comes from the universe. It surrounds us everywhere, it is even inside us. Energy is the living part of the universe. Magick may be described differently, but it means the same (if they know what they are talking about).

What is a Spell?

In some or most religions spells are prayers, they are sending your thoughts and wants out into the universe to be acknowledged. Now then they use the energy to bring your spell to life, but doesn't mean that your spell will always work. Some spells even require work on your part.

Spells will not go *poof* and work instantly, they will take as much time as they need to work. No one will know if your spell works, only you will know. Please remember it probably isn't wise to cast more then one spell on the same subject (this is in my opinion).

Grounding Energy

Grounding energy is what some people have a hard time doing, it's releasing energy you don't need back into the cosmos, but it's assential your learn this.

Spiritual Journey

Most or all people go through this process, Spiritual Journey is to awaken your spiritual being. This will help you learn and open a world of new possibilities. Most people do this by meditation.


If you want movies with monks and nijas..ect. You will see them cross there legs, close their eyes, and start breathing deeply and eveningly. This is called meditation, the pose they are doing is called the "Lotus Position". In which you do not have to do. All that matters when meditating, is that you are completely comfortable and undisturbed for a long while.

This can be achieved in these ways;

  • Telling your (parents, family, or friends) to not disturb you for a while.
  • Going into a room (quiet and dark will be more suitable).
  • Getting into a really comfortable position.
  • Close your eyes (Do not tighten your eyes just relax them).
  • Relax your body.
  • Clear your mind of all thoughts.
  • Breathe in deeply and eveningly (some people to insure even breathes would count to ten and exhale to the count of ten).

Remember relaxing and keeping side conversations out of your mind is going to be hard, but can be achieved.

If you have any questions you may ask me or anyone. Or your can do research.

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Re: How can i make spells Wo
Post # 3
Thank you so much that was really helpful!!!
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Re: How can i make spells Wo
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

Well, if you're serious about learning how to do magic and with starting from the rock-bottom then you don't start out by casting spells, you start out by learning how and why magic works.

You see, there is no such thing as an "easy" spell or a "beginner" spell. One either understands how magic works and has mastered the which case the magic will work..or you haven't done that sort of work..and no spell will work no matter how "easy" it seems.

Casting a successful spell involves much more than finding some spell on the internet or in a book, saying some words, lighting a candle, waving a wand of any of that sort of thing. In order for magic to work you need to understand how and why it works in the first place. Grounding and centering, visualization, focus and intent, energy manipulation, etc are all necessary first steps to even begin to have a chance at a spell actually working...and more importantly to prevent a spell from back-firing on you.

So, my advice for anyone who is truly serious is to start by reading a few books and practicing the exercises those books will give you. Once you have mastered the basics you won't need anyone to give you spells, you'll be able to create your own spells that will be far more effective than anything you find on the net. Here's the books I suggest:

"Before You Cast a Spell" by Carl McColman

"Spells and How They Work" by Janet and Stewart Farrar

"The Veil's Edge" by Willow Polson

"Modern Magick" by Donald Michael Kraig

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Re: How can i make spells Wo
Post # 5
Hey i wanna ask something i am a vampire but it always in dream always dream that i am vampire after i read/chant ur spell
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Re: How can i make spells Wo
Post # 6

1. You are not a vampire. You are human and will always be as such.

2. Spells will not turn you into a vampire, werewolf, unicorn, or anything else. Spells cannot change your genetic material. Magic isgoverned by nature's laws. It can't be used to change your gender, it can't be used to change your race, it can't change your species, you can't use it to control the elements or the weather, etc.
My advice to you, read over the FAQs tab the home page and the Featured Articles under the Articles page. I would then direct you to the Basics Expanded and the Starting Out threads in the General Information section of the forums.
If you are serious about learning what magic actually is, I would also advise you to take the steps that Lark previously mentioned as well.
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