
CovenSpell Casters ► mermaid
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Post # 1
is any one a mermaid here

Re: mermaid
Post # 2

No one is a mermaid, but you can ask the mermaid specialist of the month Pixa.

Re: mermaid
Post # 3
Oh boy...

Re: mermaid
Post # 4

so many posts that transforming into anything is impossible but they still ask,,how stupid

Re: mermaid
Post # 5
I feel that stupid a strong word. Not doing any research first is more like it.

Re: mermaid
By: / Novice
Post # 6
@ BlackCat i hate when i'm on my phone and that happens, so annoying to try and fix it because i've got a small screen.

@ tamsyn magic from movies is different from real spiritual magick practices by people of the pagan faith. spiritual magick is energy found in nature, charged and directed by the caster in a spell to create change in one's life. since this energy is a part of nature, it works within the confines of nature. a spell to change form a human to a mermaid [for example] will not work because it is not in human nature to change into other beings. spells you see in Harry Potter or Charmed are meant to entertain, not educate, so it's imaginary.

now, in regards to mermaids being real, physically they are not. granted, the ocean is vast, so there might be a slim, slim, 1% chance, but until actual evidence of their existence is found, mermaids are not physically real. [even if they were you cannot become one, see the magick explanation above] however, i have been told they are astral beings [similar to spirits] so in theory you could call on their energy similar to how you would call upon a deity in a spell or ritual. you could look into buying items adorn with mermaids to use in your rituals, or to decorate your altar, but you cannot become a mermaid, and there are no physical mermaids. not to upset you, it's just the facts of life.

Re: mermaid
Post # 7

Well in some mythology mermaid were the spiritual guardings of the waters. In some others mermaids were evil creature that drag sailors to the bottom of the ocean.

But you are right, mermaids could be physically real, but doesn't change the fact that you can't become one.

Re: mermaid
Post # 8
If you want to know about mermaid, you google and do some research on discovery channel. Long time ago, our ancestors became mermaids because not enough food to eat in the land, so they chose to live in water and from time to time, they started to evolve into mermaids.

Re: mermaid
Post # 9
Ding, if you're talking about "Mermaids : the body found" then your wrong. That was a mockumentary about mermaids, and though it was creative, it's not real.

Re: mermaid
Post # 10
I have been trying since i was like 4 just to become one!!!!

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