I have an odd issue

CovenSpell Casters ► I have an odd issue

I have an odd issue
Post # 1
There is someone I know personally that does not deserve the job she has. After I told her I applied for the job she applied then told the couple doing the interview that I was no longer interested. well I was unaware of this for about two months until I was on the phone with a friend who used to work their and she had asked why I decided not to apply and I asked her what she meant and she told me what Person A had done. well Person A gets the job with zero of what they required. so when I go to explain everything they make me apply.twice because apparently she had bad mouthed me to the employers and completely lied about everything. I had worked so hard for the opportunity and she practically stole it from me. I have tried every non-magickal way I know how to redeem myself from her crap and its not working. I normally wouldn't ask of this but is their a spell to show someone's true colours?
thanks and blessed be
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Re: I have an odd issue
Post # 2

Well I don't think you should result that problem by using magic(k). Why don't you call the superiors (boss), and tell them what happend.

But if you are dead set on doing so I would use a curse, maybe a bad luck curse or something, or you can make up your own spell, and see if it works.

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Re: I have an odd issue
Post # 3
I had tried explaining but they are dead set on what she said. I don't want her dead just fired. if I wrote one Id kill her.
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Re: I have an odd issue
Post # 4
As a wiccan, I wouldnt alter another persons life or mess with their karma, because that would result in backfiring on me due to the built in negativity, however, instead you can apply in other jobs, not just that job. THis other person's karma will backfire on her one day without the use of a curse or hex.
I would just do a purification spell, using sage and bring in positivity and calm your senses and mind, then try to find another job or career.

To help with getting a job, you can cast a prosperity spell using four quarters, new, and bury them next to any tree or flower and visualize the quarters as seeds, sprouting and growing and say.

MOther Earth, take this offering and as your trees grow, so will my success, for these resemble seeds, so nurture them so,
Buried in your womb, grow and grow,
MOther Earth, hear me, Harm none, Let it be.

Then watch your luck change, try burying an apple seed with the coins, and water them or let the rain do its natrual work.

BLessed be, Good fortunes upon you. )O(
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Re: I have an odd issue
Post # 5
Alright will do.
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Re: I have an odd issue
Post # 6
I would probs kill her too, a curse would be a useful for that situation, a really harsh one.
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Re: I have an odd issue
Post # 7
I mean when you try sooo hard to get somewhere and its taken away with lies and there's nothing else you can do you're gonna snap... Rightnow I just want her to get fired
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Re: I have an odd issue
Post # 8
Well this sounds like revenge. Dont try to curse her, because you will suffer too. My advice is to make the truth to be revealed,and she will pay more. I will make a truth spell so you can use it in this case.
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Re: I have an odd issue
Post # 9
Karma is always trying to remain in a balance. Be patient and you will be there to watch, and enjoy, as this persons karma regains its balance.

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Re: I have an odd issue
Post # 10
I wish I could have helped but Agnus firmly believes the rumours that were spread. I am hoping her inner brat comes out as well
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