
CovenSpell Casters ► help
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Post # 1
hi there i have been registered for 3 months but i have been doing spells for a year but i am still a bit confused about casting a circle? what do i need and do i need to put my energy into it?
please help
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Re: help
By: / Novice
Post # 2
if you cast spells, you should be familiar with energy work, or at least know how to connect with energy. charge this energy onto your body, then with your athame, wand, or finger [whatever you feel comfortable with] walk in a circle to each of the four candles. [representing the four elements/directions] you should feel/visualize the energy forming a circle around you, coming from you to the ground, protecting you.

each casting is different, so find what works for you, but a very basic one would be to start in the east, say a chant, light the candle, then visualize/feel the energy come from your athame, connecting with the ground, then tracing a white line to the south candle where you would again say a chant, light the candle, and continue to the west and north, repeating the chant/candle lighting, before returning to the east candle. go around once more to be certain, then walk to the altar and light the spirit candle. finally, tap the ground with your athame [or stomp your foot] this should close the circle. if you don't feel the energy, or warm, or even safer, try again.

when you wish to open the circle, do the opposite, starting at the spirit candle, thank the God and Goddess and snuff out the candle, walk to the north candle, thank the watchtower for protecting you, then snuff out the candle, walk to the west, south, and finally the east, thanking each and snuffing out the candle. go around once more, visualizing/feeling the energy disappearing, before returning to the altar.
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