The ouija board

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The ouija board
Post # 1
Hi I heard that you can use the ouija board for divination and I plan to try it alone so that I could concentrate better and also know if its really moving.
some people say its dangerous to play it alone but I personally think I can focus alone?
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Re: The ouija board
Post # 2
i dont know how to use ouija board,,kindly the complete detailed how to use it ? verymuch new to the craft (shy) to say. if u will
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Re: The ouija board
By: / Novice
Post # 3
yes they can be used for divination, but they act as a magnet for spirits so you run a great chance of attracting something. a pendulum is probably better. while it can contact spirits also, you need to channel the spirits, where as with a Ouija it's the board that's calling to the spirit. the pendulum swings and will give you a 'yes' 'no' 'maybe' or 'don't know'.

you can work a Ouija board alone, but i don't like doing that because the way your hands need to be place hurts my writs and i find it hard to concentrate. be sure you don't rest your fingers or hand on the plancette [heart shaped thing] you should have your finger tips lightly touching it. when it's moving as the result of a spirit, i've noticed [as well as my covenmates] a sensation like my fingers are being stuck to the planchette like a magnet. i personally prefer having 3 people so two move the planchette and the third asks the questions and writes down the answers. the main reason for the third person though is because i am in a meditative state with my eyes closes so i can't see the board. [speaking of, be sure to meditate before you use the board so you've got a clear mind]

be sure before using the board you cleanse and charge it, the simplest way is to take some sage smudge and some salt water, sprinkle some water over the board and planchette then put them through the smoke. after that meditate with the board and planchette letting energy travel through your body into the board. when you use the board you should cast a circle to protect yourself. once you're done, cleanse the board again with sage, as well as the room you used the board in, cast a protection spell to be safe, and have a purification bath. i've used Ouija boards a number of times, while nothing negative has happened, it's better to be safe than sorry.
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