Do Wiccans Go to Hell?

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Re: Do Wiccans Go to Hell?
By: / Novice
Post # 13
sorry for the long response.

Will I go to hell for practicing pagan/wiccan or __________ religions. This Question has been asked by many I’m sure. My answer is the same I don't know. Ask yourself this question.
Think about all the other religions sects different versions of Christianity, Buddhists, Hinduism Islam. According to this website there are 350 million Buddhists. that is roughly the size of the united states. That is 6% of the world's population. another website there are 2.2 Billion Muslims, according them. So all of these other religions they’ve got it all wrong, right? maybe just maybe the Westboro Baptist church has it right? “shivers” Also according to the bible only 144000 people will get into heaven. Will you be one of the lucky ones. Remember that some of the worst people in history were Christians in belief. Adolf Hitler, George W. Bush, David Koresh, Matthew Hale, Jim Jones, The people who ran the Salem Witch trials (because of bad Rye Bread) not to mention all of the Spanish inquisitions just to name a few. Sorry if this list pisses someone off. I don't care.
Also think of all of the Killers, Rapists, and General evil doers in the world today Things done in the name of God for Christ and country. As long as they have excepted Christ into their heart before they die they are forgiven and sent directly to heaven. Sorry the company in hell would be more to my liking. Religion is just another way for the leaders to control the week minded lambs, The Masses. Sorry I am not picking on you. You should follow whatever you want, just don’t follow blindly.

Re: Do Wiccans Go to Hell?
By: / Beginner
Post # 14
Jesus himself did magick. Its just called miracles. Think on that. Blessed Be...

Re: Do Wiccans Go to Hell?
Post # 15
As a wiccan who does believe in a hell I would say a wiccan who willfully causes harm to others may be sent to hell to learn their lesson before being reincarnated.

Re: Do Wiccans Go to Hell?
Post # 16
I personally believe that there is a hell to balance out the good but I believe in it in a different way then most.
1) I don't think you religion (ie. Wicca) can automatically get you sent there I believe that to be sentenced to hell you as an individual must have don't things knowingly and willing
2) I believe in reincarnation so I believe after you X amount of years in hell that your re-born with a second chance to redeem your self and if you continue to be a sinner or bad/evil person that you do not get reincarnated and a put in hell for eternity.

so to answer you question no I don't think wiccans as a group go to hell but I do think wiccans who do knowingly and willingly do tribal things that they get sent to hell

Re: Do Wiccans Go to Hell?
Post # 17
I don't know. But, you should trust your own instincts. Trust what you think is best.

Re: Do Wiccans Go to Hell?
Post # 18
Personally, I do believe in hell. But no god of mine would send someone to enter all suffering because I am a little different. And why would god care? I'm not killing anyone or doing half the things Christians think is good. But I'm not Christian so maybe u shouldn't take my advice. U shouldn't worry about hell tho, honestly if u r that concerned quit and pray to ur god for forgiveness or whatever. Doesn't really matter to me.

Re: Do Wiccans Go to Hell?
Post # 19
I believe lark and mobile have it about pegged. I live in a place full of Christians and because of that I am outdated by those who know about my beliefs. They tell me that I am evil and going to hell, but I don't lose sleep over it, because since I am truly of a different faith, their hell means about as much to me as a Muslim hell or the abyss in fantasy books.I don't begrudge them their beliefs, but I don't share them either.
If you are worried about hell, than you still have Christian beliefs, wish is fine. If you call yourself wiccan though,then think hard on that. If Wicca is your faith, then why are you worried about hell since you are going to be reincarnated?

Re: Do Wiccans Go to Hell?
Post # 20
In the early days of Christianity, Europe was converted by The Holy Roman Empire, and the old pagan religons and traditions were still practiced. People were told over night their King had decreed them to be Christians. Those pagans still had all their old beliefs, traditions and customs. Some the church chose to addopt, or steal, such as the Christmans tree, candle lights in Christmas season, holy wreaths, misletoe. The people still were practicing their faiths. The church would force these peasants to attend services,to collect their taxes, and force feed their view points on them. They had to decree the old ways to be evil, a sin, and against God, and made them criminal acts. They were simply forcing power over these people.
Personally, though I believe in a God, I see no reason a supposedly loving, benevolent father, who died for OUR sins(what ever that means,) would condemn us to burn in a lake of fire forever, for a brief life here on Earth. If he created me, he endowed in me skepticism, and would want me to use it. He has never spoke directly to me, and I have a hard time believing his representatives here on Earth, as they cannot seem to agree among themselves on much at all, and seem to be as evil and flawed as anyone else.

Re: Do Wiccans Go to Hell?
Post # 21

Re: Do Wiccans Go to Hell?
Post # 22
Personally, I believe that Wiccans do NOT go to hell, as we do not believe in Satan. However, People are open to opinions. It really depends on what YOU think and choose to believe in :) Blessed be )0(

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