Personally, I don't think it exists, but if you do, that's your opinion, and you are entitled to it.
I've heard good and bad arguements from both sides, so who knows?
I very much wish it was but sadly no. I think in the books I have read there was one spell for moving objects over a distance and as it was written post 1900 and didn't have a reference I dismissed it.
This is not to say that it is impossible to convince someone something has moved or to obscure it from them, though I'm not sure how much of this comes more under suggestion than magick.
There is a rather large debate on this. However, I do not believe it is possible due to lack of scientific evidence in a controlled environment being repeated several times to ensure that the hypothesis is correct. There are videos, which could be rigged, or special effects can make it appear that an object is floating. Also there are various laws of physics that explain why objects shouldn't be floating without a physical force being applied to it.
The mass of people who say telekinesis is real are online, and will not provide adequate evidence.
i happen to know that all objects have a certain vibration frequency. and i have heard that if you can tap into that frequency of vibration, you could possibly attempt to do something of the sort. i, myself, have honestly attempted to do this but when you think about it, there is more energy and vibrations around us than we know. so it is nearly impossible to do so. therefore, it is very improbable that telekinesis is possible.
I have played around with this concept for many years now. Unfortunately my results are in no way scientific. I have been able to show things like control of a pendulum that is not physically under a subjects control, the ability to influence things such as dice rolls, and the like. Small things. I have even done experiments where I have a pendulum suspended in a plexiglass box, so that no one is touching it or the table that it is on and no air can move it. Subjects can make it swing in one direction and then another on demand.
I have some friends that worked with Project Stargate, the governments remote viewing project, who say that there were instances of telekinesis there, but in all the records and reports from there I have seen I have found none. Lot's of spoon bending and remote viewing.
So, I would say that while some small things may be possible, you can't catch that falling pillar of stone, Yoda. :)
Ah, the old move it with your mind. Sadly telekinesis is not within the realm of physical probablities. An object cannot move without somekind of physical enertia to actually move. Yada-yada laws of energy and enertia.