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Re: Time
By: / Novice
Post # 11
Wibbly, wobbly, timey, wimey... Stuff.

Interesting theories. In regards to the Tarot, I believe that we are not able to see for certain what will happen in the future. We can see what is likely to happen if we keep on the same path, but it is not absolute, and we can always change it.

There are all kinds of quantum ideas about time. I'm a more practical person in this sense. Time exists for us. Our conscious state does not operate at a level where all time is happening at once, or any of those other ideas. At some spiritual level or energetic level time may not be a controling factor. But here, for us, it is. I can't change how time works (And I lost the key to my TARDIS), so I don't think about it much.

I do think that things are planned out, but we also have free will. I think that when our spirit incarnated it knew what choices it would make. Now, we are making those choices of our own free will. they seem contradictory ideas, but that is only from our perspective.

Just the rambling thoughts of someone whose girlfriend decided to wake him up way too early on a Saturday. Good thing I love her. :)



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Re: Time
Post # 12
I have togo with NO 2.

This is the first time theories I read in a long time. Thanks
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Re: Time
Post # 13
Definitely number 3.

What you do and think today, with emotion, will set the trends for tomorrow.

Or was that going to happen anyway?
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