needing help

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needing help
Post # 1
few things i need help with. how do I figure out what my second elements is? how can i strengthen my chakras? is there a way to strengthen each one at the same time or can you only do one at a time? sometimes i hear and see things and then when i try to pay close attention to that site or sound then i can't hear or see it anymore. is there a way to have those senses active and use them on command? same thing with the third eye. is there way to have the third eye active and use it on command. twice for some reason when i was in my car driving i've noticed that i have seperated my spirit from my body and then maybe after one minutes i was conscious again. any idea what happened? teacher needed, thanks.
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Re: needing help
By: / Novice
Post # 2
whoa, ton of questions [not all related] i'll see if i can clear things up for you:

1. how do I figure out what my second elements is?
~normally, it's the element you feel closest with. if you like fire, or you play a lot of wind instruments, should determine it. meditate on the question can also give you an answer.

2. how can i strengthen my chakras?
~for questions like this, in future, google it. be sure you start from the root up, without good grounding, it can be dangerous starting with your crown since it connects us with the universe.

3. is there a way to strengthen each one at the same time or can ~you only do one at a time?
as you continue on with your chakra work, you can balance them all in 20 minutes or less. for someone who's starting out i usually recommend focusing on one at a time each day, then two and so on until you balance all in one session. like day one root, day two sacral, day three solar plex and so one until you reach the crown. the next day focus on the root and sacral, the day after that the solar plex and the heart. repeat until you can do all 7.

4. i hear/see things, when i try to pay close attention to that site or sound then i can't hear or see it anymore. is there a way to have those senses active and use them on command?
~yes. the chakra work will help, there's also teas and exercises you can do to strengthen your psychic/clairvoyant abilities.

5. is there way to have the third eye active and use it on command?
~yes, but 'use it on command' i'm not too sure what you mean. while your third eye can help with clairvoyance an overactive one can lead to migraines and an overactive imagination.

6. twice for some reason when i was in my car driving i've noticed that i have seperated my spirit from my body and then maybe after one minutes i was conscious again. any idea what happened?
~probably a form of projection. there are people who will project without knowing it. commonly though this occurs when they are asleep, their astral self will float just above the body, or will go and visit places. i'm no expert on astral projection, so i'm not much help here.

7. teacher needed.
~good luck to you in your search. you don't really need one though. you can study on your own, and use the forums when you get stuck. also before you ask, i don't teach. blessed be, and good luck to you on your path ^_^
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