
Forums ► Other Spells Discussion ► Curses

Re: Curses
Post # 11
Personally, I don't do curses much. I know how and all that jazz. But rarely ever do. I don't do much magick any ways. Every now and then I find myself doing some magick intentionally. Personally, I say if someone wants to do a curse then let them do it. Whatever happens happens. Honestly, any magick done can be just as much a curse as it can be a healing, no matter the intent of the magick being done.
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Re: Curses
Post # 12
I love it how we argue amongst ourselves. It shows our brotherhood and sisterhood.
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Re: Curses
Post # 13
Lol. That's pretty funny and even true MrGreen, but I see vanitys points in what he said. There is much truth in his words. However, I do see truth in the words of Eisyn, but I see things I wouldn't agree with. I'll be passive and just say let people believe what they want to believe no matter who is right and who is wrong; though I'm not saying anyone has been right or wrong.
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Re: Curses
Post # 14

There's a bit of a misunderstanding here, obviously.

Karma is a broad term basically meaning what goes around comes around. In some way, shape or form what you do will come right back to you whether it be good or not so good. "Karma" the word is normally religious, it is expressed in Wicca, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and several other religions. Each belief system has its own views of "Karma". Wicca was explained by Eisyn. You also have Hinduism which is fairly similar in philosophy but it has more to do with reincarnation. Same thing with Christianity, you deal with what you dealt some time after death as some souls are sent to Purgatory to hear "their sentence". Wicca often believe in the 3 Fold Law, what you do comes back 3 fold.

You take your specific beliefs and determine the best way to appease your actions .

"Karma" is a concept often described as some higher force or naturally occurring phenomena that basically tries to maintain a balance. It's all about balance . You do something bad, let's say you feel guilty and do something good. It's really all you can do. Whether you do something good for yourself or someone else that's basically the answer.
Don't try to appease Karma like it's a god, you have nothing to pray to, you have no one to give offerings to.
Also the point is not to try and avoid Karma because you're scared of the consequences, you need to understand there are consequences for everything whether you give it some spiritual significance and call it Karma or just say that's the way the things work. The idea is to learn to take responsibility.

Cast a spell but take responsibility. Maybe that was Eisyn's idea here.

As I said above, You take your specific beliefs and determine the best way to appease your actions.

Being hit from the results of the spell isn't the idea here, as I said. The idea is to take responsibility and have balance since that's what happens in nature.

See this as "karma", "nature" or just a broad balancing system. No need to believe in the three fold law. Just remember that there is balance.

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Re: Curses
Post # 15
My dad's side of the family has a history with black magic. Thee's this one curse that makes your victim dream about Satan but he/she might die.
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Re: Curses
Post # 16
Eisyn's point here is that the Universal will always balance itself.

You can call it Kharma, divine influence, personal actions, Law of Three, Physics; you can call or express it however you want. Your terminology and your belief is most important to yourself. Regardless of what you call it or how you understand it the point remains. There will always be a balance.

Cast a curse. Work a blessing. Do whatever you wish with the magic you have been given. That is the beautiful thing about the Craft that to it has drawn most of us. There is no limit to what you can achieve. That being said, Eisyn was saying in the beginning to be mindful of your actions and that balance.

It is my belief that if you do not make a conscious effort to balance your magic yourself then the Universal will take care of it for you. Vanity, in the beginning you attacked what I said with a self-righteous fervor that my beliefs and usage of words was improper and wrong. Then, despite my efforts to understand your beliefs, you very rudely continued to tell me how wrong I was. Our debate has turned into one fool trying tell another how foolish they are. I have been trying to reach a point of mutual compromise, but I see how futile those efforts have been. You will not compromise until all have conceded you are right.

To the rest of the forum, I still maintain that a balance will be found, and if one is not mindful of their actions they may not like the results.
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Re: Curses
Post # 17
I'm a bystander here, as such I can for matter of fact say vanitys was not being rude. You say he's the one attacking and all that, but you were Eisyn. And I know I'm not the only one who can see that. Vanitys doesn't sugarcoat things so when he speaks it may seem attacking and harsh, but it's not always so. That's still no excuse for you to accuse him of things and call him names. That's childish and folly on your part.
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Re: Curses
By: / Novice
Post # 18
I would have to agree with Vanity. You have many valid points.
And I don't see why your points were taken the way they were. You made perfect sense in my opinion and some just don't seem to grasp what it is you're saying.
It's quite obvious if you apply common sense to the concept it's not hard to come to a sensible conclusion especially when it's here before you in detail and more detail.
Great explanation vanity
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