Christian AND wiccan?

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Re: Christian AND wiccan?
Post # 11
if you don't think it's wrong the no,but just because you cast spells doesn't make you wiccan,wicca is a religion and not everyone follows it.
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Re: Christian AND wiccan?
By: / Beginner
Post # 12
I'm a Christian and while I don't believe in other deities have even been known to invoke them. My thoughts on that are as long as I don't believe they exist I'm not breaking the commandment pertaining to worshiping "false" gods and when I use their names I'm thinking in my mind they represent something such as I might use the Greek goddess Athena in a mental related spell because she is the Greek goddess of knowledge so I use her to represent knowledge which does exist but in my humble opinion (no offense to anyone) she doesn't exist. In the end the bible states God made us in his image, he made us period, so he made us with this capability then it must not be wrong as like everything else it's how you use it that determines whether it's right or wrong.
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Re: Christian AND wiccan?
Post # 13
wow That was very informative I think I'm all cleared up now as I'm not worshiping any other gods Thank you all so much This was ver enlightening
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Re: Christian AND wiccan?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 14

Invoking a god/goddess of knowledge without believing the god/goddess exists because it goes against your religion's rules is like asking your teachers for help without believing that the teacher is real or certified. Not only is it disrespectful to the god/goddess but it is also disrespectful to your God that does not want you to seek advice beyond them.

If you want to be a Christian witch one has to pick and choose which parts of the bible they will use. In this day and age most Christians will do this, for example the man that had a tattoo from Leviticus about the evils of homosexuality placed on his arm. This man neglected to read on a few passages or ignored a few where Leviticus states the evils of tattoos. When the passages were written the authors did not understand that magic can be used in both positive and negative ways. Christ was a magical practitioner yet they don't say that. Instead they wrote that his actions were miracles of his divine existence.

I personally come from a Christian family that has used folk magic to protect against "witchcraft". I have also studied folk magic as well as higher magic and in conclusion have found that most cultures around the world have traditions and such that basically boil down to "witchcraft" used to fight "witchcraft". I also am a pagan that includes Jesus or "Christ" in some of my practices. I also use Buddha in a similar fashion. I would not call my self a Christian however I do try to be Christ or Buddha like.

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Re: Christian AND wiccan?
By: / Beginner
Post # 15
Using a goddess to represent something like I do means I'm not asking them for anything and I don't consider it disrespectful to them as I don't believe they exist so how can I disrespect them? I find the idea of being a Buddhist, Christian, etc... a little confusing. In other words you've created your own religion and follow no being. I guess we all make our own path and as long as your happy your life is yours to live. As for disrespecting God I hope he forgives me but if not then I guess I deserve what I receive as I have no one else to blame.
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Re: Christian AND wiccan?
Post # 16

This thread is going nowhere. I suggest locking it before someone's feelings get hurt.

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Re: Christian AND wiccan?
Post # 17
This isn't wrong at all. It's your life and your god. You can do what you feel gets you closer to god. In my opinion, Gods accept what you do as long as its not bad.
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Re: Christian AND wiccan?
Post # 18
god even approved a type of magic that i practice called enochian he sent angels too teach it
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Re: Christian AND wiccan?
By: / Novice
Post # 19
I always feel that those people in the bible that state divination is an abomination to be somewhat hypocritical. Supposedly that is the will of god but how did they get that information. One way or another god told them about it so either they divined his meaning or interpreted some sign/omen from god. Would god talk to an abomination? Probably not which to me leaves one of two possibilities, that message is a little wrong and something is lacking from it or they simply made it up.

Ultimately prayer is a form of magic and in my eyes any religion that outlaws the practice of magic is naively outlawing itself, paradox or what?
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Re: Christian AND wiccan?
Post # 20
Just because you cast spells, it doesn't make you Wiccan. You cannot be a Wiccan. Wicca is a religion. We celebrate the Sabbaths and believe in the Lord and Lady. I'm sorry you might call yourself a Wiccan, but you aren't truly one. Your labels are out of place.

I think you got labels wrong.
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