Fake spells

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Fake spells
Post # 1
If fanasty spells dont work why does this site have them
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Re: Fake spells
Post # 2
Spell Casters automatically promotes anyone that joins to council, including those that don't understand true magic or how it works. Thus, the uneducated thought they were possible and posted them to the site.

Know that magic is the energy within nature and the natural world. Thus, because it's part of nature it's governed by nature's laws. It can't be used to change your gender, it can't be used to change your race, it can't change your species, you can't use it to control the elements or the weather, etc. It can't be used to reach unimaginable odds. As practitioners of magic, we must first learn to accept and understand its limitations and its basics before we can truly begin practicing or understanding it.

The understanding of how it works and what it can/can't do is what those that post such spells lack or fail to comprehend.
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Re: Fake spells
Post # 3
becous some people like in spell casters coven sough some of these spell in movies and thought it would work so they post it one here to see how many people would try it. but thing thing thy fell to realize is that the lows of nature can not be tampered with. for magic is an art in my opening to help correct energy fields and attract thing that is needed. for one can not make thing appear out of thin air like in the moves. for magic does not work like that. other thing is that magic is not as simple as in the moves it take a good bit of time to properly send a spell out and effort. for if one wishes to attract money you can not simply say a spell and expect it to work instantly without any effort on your part of actual working.
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Re: Fake spells
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4

Also, keep in mind that once someone has posted such a spell- editors and moderators do not have the ability to remove the spells, nor edit them.

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Re: Fake spells
Post # 5
the fake spells should be removed
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Re: Fake spells
By: / Novice
Post # 6
there's so many though, only Pet can do anything about it, and he's busy with site stuff.

also not all spelled filed under 'fantasy' are fake, say someone has a faerie protection spell that calls upon the fae's energy in a chant. this spell, while it would work, is under fantasy because it's filed under the subheading 'faerie' which is placed in the broader category 'fantasy'. this is why you can't just delete all spells placed here. in the astral, a lot of these creatures exist. spells that call upon these beings energy to give strength to a spell [theoretically] work.

now, some people don't believe in the astral, or they believe in the astral but not vampires/dragons/werebeasts/faeries/mermaids... but there are those who incorporate these beings into there magic for extra energy, similar to those work with demons or spirits. so we can't go and delete all these spells, or appoint one person to delete them for the reason they might not believe in say mermaids, so they delete everything in this section. yet there are people who work with potions and spells that call on mermaids for extra strength, so they might put in, say a 'mermaid potion' but it's a beauty spell that asks for you to say a chant calling upon a mermaid instead of say Aphrodite.

sorry to go off on a bit of a tangent, this is why only Pet can delete spells, as well as created the fantasy and trick sections. we as practitioners of shamanism, satanism, dragon magic, fae magic and so on, need to flag the ones that don't wonk and Pet looks into them.
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Re: Fake spells
Post # 7
merry meet all magickal intent works if the lord and lady or our watchers allow it to manifest
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