Taking Pain Away

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Re: Taking Pain Away
Post # 2
Maybe some medication like advil or aleve? Pain is a mental process so if she focuses well on something else in distraction she most likely wont be able to feel or feel less of the pain.
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Re: Taking Pain Away
Post # 3
she's already taking alot of prescribed meds but unfortunately nothing has helped much. It's getting harder for her to focus on other things and keep herself happy, that's why im trying to find something that might make her a little bit better :/
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Re: Taking Pain Away
Post # 4

To lift her mood, you could try using a herbal tonic like ginseng. I have an autoimmune disease and it really helped me. Be sure to check with her doctor first. Peace.

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Re: Taking Pain Away
Post # 5
Well, major trauma pains, help people, dissassociate.
Picture it, like a large ship. When a ship takes on water, due
to a breach in the hull. It has smaller compartments, the control room can shut down, to preserve the rest of the ship, and keep it from being compromised.

Such is the way of pain. This is going to sound weird. But, even in tatooing, people want to escape that pain, right? Well, you, mentally, have to go away with it.Weird as it seems, either blank it out and concentrate on music, talking, comedy, other things, to trick the mind from feeling or concentrating on it.

There is another method, I use for pain. It's turn it into a symphony of something positive. Yah, weird. But, what other choices do you have? I try to play music in my mind, to the pain, to, again, trick my mind.

But, homestly, the person that stated ibuprofen and such, that would be the best option, I think. The rest is for multiple trauma individuals.

Good luck and blessings to you all.
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Re: Taking Pain Away
Post # 6
Magic could work but that's kinda stupid when normal stuff could work

Pain is a state of mind so basically if you handed her a rock and told her that she'll feel no more pain it'll go away

If someone can truly believe they don't have pain anymore then they most likely won't feel it anymore
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Re: Taking Pain Away
By: / Novice
Post # 7
My aunt had the same thing for a while, hers was treated fairly well by basically sorting her life out a bit, normalising sleep patterns and de-stressing. Tell her to keep using the meds and I'd also encourage her to go back to the doctor and tell them it's not working, they might up the dose a bit or give her something stronger to take.

One thing that my aunt always swore by though was a nice relaxing bath. I don't know if it will help your mum in the same way but it could be worth a shot. You could look into some herbs that have some healing properties and put them in too. If she's just feeling under the weather I'd make her a cup of tea, it's a simple gesture but it at least shows you care. I hope things start improving for the two of you soon.
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Re: Taking Pain Away
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 8
Believe it or not, trying to avoid pain is the opposite thing people should do. If you face the pain, your body will release natural pain relievers IE: endorphins. Endorphins stop nerve cells from giving off new signals. There are many ways to provoke the release of endorphins, meditation is one of them. Exercise is another. You should look into them. There is a lot of reading material on the subject of triggering endorphins as natural chronic pain relief.
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Re: Taking Pain Away
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9
This thread has been moved to Other Spells Discussion from General Info.
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Re: Taking Pain Away
Post # 10
i only asked because normal stuff like therapy and meds hasn't worked so far and were starting to lose hope that something might come along. thanks for all the help though :)
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Re: Taking Pain Away
Post # 11
Well, until now the cause of fibromyalgia still undiscovered yet. But you may try to possible avoid electronic things that are on, because of the radiation. Eat healthy food mean don't eat junk food too much. Don't take bath too late mean after 07.00 PM don't take bath again especially in cold weather. Avoid stressful things, don't think too much (although i know this so hard to overcome only the mind that has been well train can do this). if the pain occur just bear with it, just relax and don't add the pain by thinking "owww so pain i hate this pain" when you keep thinking something like that you more pain, you can change others by " this pain is impermanent" or other thought that can make your mom relax. Meditation is good for this in order to relax your mind. Doing loving kindness meditation i suggested. After doing this meditation, with your loving kindness strong mind, when the pain appear, with the power of sensation from loving kindness meditation that haven't disappear you focusing to your pain area by concentrating may i free from body suffering and may i be happy. Other method you can absorb the energy from the pain but this must be done frequently and by master.
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