Intro. Meditation

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Intro. Meditation
Post # 1


If you are new to meditation... You will feel comfrontable here. And if you are experienced meditator you may find renewed inspiritation.

Whether you have never done a meditation or been meditating for some time, I will be offering you a braod selection of simple to complex meditations to enrich your daily life.

As well as deepening your spiritual practices!

Now to start off what is Meditation?

Well before I start my explantion of meditation lets seek for the one who started to teach meditation..

Anyone guess who is most famous for teaching meditation?

Original Meditation was taught by Buddha 2,500 years ago. This was one of the first recorded teaching of mediation in ancient history.

All due to the ancient meditation of breathing which is so powerful and effective, it is the basis of some many other meditations.

Meditation is a very powerful tool for healing Body, Mind and Spirit.

In my lessons ahead you will learn how to use the power of visualization to promote healing and [prevent illnesses.

Such as Struggling with addictions or stress. Unhealed childhood tramua or a loss of a family member. Even to the extent of depression meditation will help you on your healing and discovery journey.

What is your major issue in life?

A few meditations I will teach later on is The meditation of the Great Tree which will help you regain health after an illness.You will soon discover meditation is not just sitting on a cushion!

Re: Intro. Meditation
Post # 2

Introduction part 2.

Meditation is simply making a choice to focus your mind on something!

Is reading a book meditation?

Is thinking about a argument you had with someone is that a meditation?

Is watching a Movie meditation?

Every second of your life you are creating or construction your reality through what you think about and what you take in from the environment.

Over time you delelop habits regarding what you think as well as habits regarding what you take in.

Since you are meditating all teh time what are you choosing to meditate?

Many spiritual traditions utilize the tendency of human beings.

Always be thinking... Taking in information and creating experiences.

They conclude why not consciously focus your mind on positive and beneficial subjects.

Re: Intro. Meditation
Post # 3

Practice for a happier Life.

Mediation is not mystical or inaccessible as some of you may have realized.

Meditation is very down to earth and practical and it is available to anyone and everyone.

And meditation is regardless to your current religious practices. You can meeditatie for any religion.

Although many of the meditations are inspired by ancient and modern spirituality practices... None of tthem require a faith!

If you have no spiritual practice or do not believe in a god or higher Power(s) trying meditations with motivation of simply to create a happier life for yourself.
You can meditate by simply creating a special time c0nsciously to focus your mind positive and helpful ways.

But it helps to have some direction and guidance as to how to do this.

All the techiques in meditations fall in the four basic catgorize -

  • Focusing
  • Thinking
  • Visualizing
  • Experience

Re: Intro. Meditation
Post # 4


In the first meditation technique you focus your mind on an object.

The object can be external- A candle, image of your dietiy, a flower or it can be internal such as your breath or heart beat.

The purpose of this technique is to quiet your mind of its constant thinking and attain peace.

Focusing on an object helps you calm and center yourself and stabilize your mind.

As a side benefit because you will find it difficult to stop thinking totally you will observe patterns in your thinking prossess and your emotions.

Which will help you learn more about yourself.

Focusing during meditation help you focus on whatever you want in the rest of your life.

What type of focusing do you do in your daily life?

Re: Intro. Meditation
Post # 5


Instead of avoiding thoughts in order to calm, stabilize and focus your mind in tehse meditations you think about a topic. You might be asking to think about a problem you are current having or an issue such as Anger or a lose of someone. As well as virtues you wish to have or develop. Such as kindness or Patience as well as Unconditional Love. You may meditate on a topic by thinking of it of how to make yourself more postive change yourself. In this way you train your mind to be more postive.

Re: Intro. Meditation
Post # 6
Did YOU know that meditation is Scientifically proven to:
1. Overcome stress (University of Massachusetts Medical School, 2003)
2. Boost your creativity (ScienceDaily, 2010)
3. Improve your sex life and increase your libido (The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2009)
4. Cultivate healthy habits that lead to weight loss (Journal Emotion, 2007) 5. Improve digestion and lower blood pressure (Harvard Medical School)
6. Decrease your risk of heart attack (The Stroke Journal, 2009)
7. Help overcome anxiety, depression, anger and confusion (Psychosomatic Medicine, 2009)
8. Decrease perception of pain and improve cognitive processing (Wake Forest University School of Medicine, 2010)
9. Increase your focus and attention (University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007)
10. Increase the size of your most important organ your brain! (Harvard University Gazette, 2006)

Re: Intro. Meditation
Post # 7
A fairly well written introduction to meditation , but it is a very vast subject , even more so than various topics like energy maniuplation and Astral Projection , Divination etc..A topic that can take years of study in it's own right to learn more..though for basics , not much time is needed.

I would like to point out that the thinking meditation that you to me simple contemplation

Re: Intro. Meditation
Post # 8
I like this post and believe it will be rather helpful to anyone that is facing problems with meditating or even want to try something diferent. Sometimes hearing the experience of a person even on a phenomenical "easy" or "simple" subject Darksphere can expand you knowledge.

Re: Intro. Meditation
Post # 9

When have i ever said that meditation was a simple and easy subject? It is a large topic with various forms catered to different purposes and while basic meditation is easy to perform , it is hard to hone to such a degree.

You know , stages of one progress in the meditation listed under "focusing" , for example the intial sign is not easily obtained and achieved. One can takes years of practice in the subject to even achieve that state.

Not many people know of it , because they simply take it for what it is , and not delve deeper into the subject of meditation...and so never progresses in terms of skill in it and their skill remains in the most basic levels.

I wasn't crituqing the post , and it is indeed a well written meditation class and i admire unseen's work , as i myself could not get myself to write a article due to extreeeme laziness =/

Re: Intro. Meditation
Post # 10

Thank you for your comments.


Many of the meditation will ask you to visualizing something to create a picture in your mind.

Visualizing helps you create your reality, manifest your desires and intentions, change your behavior and even alter your body processes.

For example one of my favorite meditations is Tara meditation you visualizing is a very powerful meditation to remove fear and heal illnesses.

Visualizing is a very is a very powerful tool in the mediators tool kit.

Do not worry if you feel like you are having an issue visiualizing anything .. With a little practice your visiualizing skills will improve over time.

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