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Re: Mediums
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 11
Perhaps Art, our definition of psychic are different. I despise the word psychic and feel it has degressed from it's original meaning as plainly being extraordinarily sensitive to a mysterious person sitting over a crystal ball telling fortunes. It is the media's fault and "psychic hotlines". If you walk up to an ordinary person and say "I'm psychic" they ask you to prove it by telling them their future. They don't expect you to be a medium. So I specifically avoid the word and refuse to be associated with it.

By definition, you're correct, because medium and psychic are interchangeable. But I think you understand what I mean. Words are amazingly misunderstood. When someone knows I practice magick, and ask me about it, if I say I'm a pagan hedge witch, I will get an entirely different response than if I plainly say I am Cherokee and know the ways. Even a devote Christian that thinks witchcraft and magick is "the devil's work" will nod and smile and think nothing of Native American medicine. The same goes for the word psychic. Psychic will cause smirks and laughter, but saying you can communicate with spirits raises eyebrows and wonder. In my own experience, the way things are worded makes a huge difference. And despite the fact that technically you're still saying the same thing despite your word choice, the way people interpret it and react to it can be astonishly contrasted.
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Re: Mediums
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 12
I came up to same conclusion the we understand the word psychic in different way .To me that is somebody that perceive information through his/her ability (clairvoyance ,clairsentience
,empaty ,clairaudience and so forth ).However some people call with this term the con artist and stage magician (mentalist) performers that use cold reading and another tricks to "read " the public .Also people who predict the future(using some sort of divinatory tool ) or do some form of divination in some way are called this way ,however to me they should be more properly called divinators .Divinators do use thier intuition but in not so direct way .
No offend intendent but everyone can learn to use Tarot succsessfully to certain degree (or pendlum or scrying in that matter ),because we all have intuition in us to certain degree .
To bad name of psychics had contributed many factors such people climing things that they can not demonstrate ,people using tricks and cold reading and being cought doing so .Also people do not react well to things they can not comprihend and understand so they either fear them either laugh and ignore them .
I do understand why you do not like the idea of being associated with this word ,but i just had to use some term that i knew in english that will do the job to descrive sensitive person .Also many mediums call themselves let say psychic medium .I do not like also to call myself psychic i will rather use sensitive or channeler or mental medium as terms to describe myself ,however general public is far more used with the this term and they get to the point straightway .
I agree choice of words can make huge difference what people understood from your writing ,but i am afraid my greatest downfall is that english is not my native language and on the top of that most words in english have more than two meanings at same time .However i really try my best to convey my point in most easy for folks way to understand it .It is another question how much i can do that with my current english level ,but i am working on it on daily basis .There is much room for improvement ,but i am not giving up on it any soon .
Thanks for telling us what is your interpretation of this word it is interesting to me to know different points of view that are outhere .Having healthy debate with intelligent people is what help you to improve your langauge too and i appreciate that pretty much .:)
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Re: Mediums
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 13
I completely agree Art, and I enjoy our friendly debates. It is, in my opinion, the best way to learn. Too many people remain focused on their own ideas, they ignore the knowledge and wisdom gained in understanding other people's point of views.

And I commend you on your English. I have heard that it is one of the most diffcult languages to learn because it isn't as bound to rules as others.
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