wands and seeing magic

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wands and seeing magic
Post # 1
i cant see magic so does that mean its not working and how can i get my wand to be really strong should i meditate in front of it or what. also if any one would know why some spells dont work i used spells and most of the time they work has anyone had luck with the garden head spell i have so many questions
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Re: wands and seeing magic
Post # 2
Magick is not a thing that one sees, so I'm not exactly sure what you're expecting.

Meditating in front of your wand will not affect it. To charge it you should perform a consecration ceremony in which you focus on the wand. The wand will also slowly accumulate its own charge as you use it.

Some spells are just a bad recipe. For some reason a lot of beginners decide they should make and publish spells long before they have any idea what they're doing, thus producing terrible and non-functional spells.
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