summoning shinigami

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Re: summoning shinigami
Post # 16
and please no skrying for me, I am a psychic, I am not death the kid, and death the kid is not real. Now take my advice and leave.

Re: summoning shinigami
Post # 17
Shinigami are a Japanese version of the Grim Reaper, imported from western mythology. I do not know of the Reaper exists, I have never encountered such a being, even when I astral project to the afterlife. If you are still interested, the general term for a being that takes your soul to the afterlife is psychopomp. In my experience souls are capable of finding their own way, but I wouldn't doubt the existance of an angel that handles those who don't. I have met with angels before and they are very benevolent, but there is some information they will not share. You are still welcome to try, however.

Re: summoning shinigami
Post # 18
i would also like too and your point of watching to much anime and fan whatever i have never watch ether i would like to because this fellow me and i have reason to believe it is a shinigami

Re: summoning shinigami
By: / Novice
Post # 19
Lol rereading old posts are funny and embarrassing. [But on the upside I can see I've grown] first old post why? Second a shinigami is a being from Japanese mythology. If you believe in them you can summon them, but if you've watched an anime and think it would be cool, please research shinigami beforehand because anime is entertainment not fact. It's also incredibly unlikely you can write a name or tell a deity/shinigami to kill someone and poof they die.

@ kros what proof is there you are being stalked by a Japanese 'grim reaper' and not a spirit, demon, or very sneaky cat? Just cleanse and protect.

Re: summoning shinigami
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 20
My bad. Not being that familiar with Japanese mythology I thought this whole thing was derived entirely from fiction.

My general frustration with the reasoning (or lack thereof) remains however.

Re: summoning shinigami
Post # 21

I am sitting here wide eyed wondering why someone with no knowledge of summoning would want to jump right to one of the worst things you could summon o.O

*busts out the barbecue sauce*

For those that truly do wish to play around with such things, at least learn to banish first. If you wish to summon, by all means do so. However it is not the only way to interact with other beings.

Re: summoning shinigami
Post # 22
No offense thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard. u can't summon a fake creature.

Re: summoning shinigami
Post # 23
.....I can tell you right now for a fact Shinigami are in fact real and I wouldn't suggest summoning one. No they don't have death notes but if you won't you're name on their note go ahead...I have never been so scared in my life of Shinigami don't do it

Re: summoning shinigami
Post # 24
Hmm.. I personally don't think you can summon a Shinigami. And who's to say they're even real?

Re: summoning shinigami
Post # 25

My point being?
1. Chaos magic is an incredibly deep rabbit hole. Conjuring a Death Note Shinigami isn't as far fetched as you'd think.

2. The egregore VS real entity debate is irrelevant. Why?
On one level to create a servitor you're using energy from the All. As such you're bringing something into being from the same core energy as the things that exist without human influence. On the other hand all entities have a bit of egregoreness to them as they are filtered through the monkey mind during evocation. Finally time doesn't matter on the level of spirits where time is a dot. Someone creating an egregore and then having that egregore appear in ancient Greece isn't very farfetched.

3. Shinigami exist independent of Death Note, AFAIK as angelic beings in Japanese lore which means that they aught to be summoned with proper subjective synthesis into Japanese magic.

4. There are much much much worse things one can summon besides Japanese death angels.

5. There are many possible benefits from working with shinigami than simply killing people. Occult death can be many things, including change, transformation, binding, time, hidden knowledge, etc.

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