spells for time travel

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Re: spells for time travel
Post # 29
and if we go to unknown place, it would be also imaginary? :/
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Re: spells for time travel
Post # 30
Calling them imaginary isn't quite right. The places you visit in the astral, including the past, are actual real and existing places... they're just separate from the equally real and existing places on the physical realm.
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Re: spells for time travel
Post # 31
food for thought. If you go back in time to alter something in the past, it will thus alter the present. In doing so, perhaps you alter or even erase the very reason you traveled into the past to alter it, and thus without a reason to travel into the past, or even figure a way to do so, how would you initially get tho the past with the altered state of the future... Umm... just incase no one understands what this means

Person A doesn't like Hitler
Person A decides to kill hitler before event's can occur
Person A finds time travel method
Person A travels back in time and kills hitler before said events.

Problem... if hitler no longer existed, and the future was one where there were no major events caused by hitler, what would be the reason Person A traveled into the past? Paradoxical outcome?

Anyway, I normally will say that nothing is impossible, but in this case, no, you cannot travel into the past to alter the state of the current present or future, as the past is already definite. All that can change is the future beyond the current point. Physically of course.
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Re: spells for time travel
Post # 32
Yes, it is possible and real! It is very similar to Astral Travel yet different. No you won't need some elaborate machine but we will make one in our mind. You will be able to go into the past, present or future and come back when you are ready. I will teach you my method.
First... you must have mastered meditation. If you cannot meditate then you will have no success with this project of time travel.
You must go into your meditative state and clear your mind of all outside thoughts. Now here comes the important part.... you need to have a special place to go to when you are in this state of mind.... in other words.... imagine a building in the middle of a field or in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nothing. You will use this same building every time you want to do this. The building can be any shape, square or pyramid or whatever. It must also have no windows... this way you will not be disturbed by anything outside of it. The inside of this building can be as simple or as plush as you wish it to be. The simpler it is... the less distractions you will have. Just make sure it is the same every time.
Now... inside this building will be a room where you have a chair. This chair is a special chair... it is a big black recliner with controls built into the arm of the chair. These controls are buttons that will take you where you want to go. You may set up these buttons in any configuration. For instance --- a past button --- a present button -- and a future button... and for even more control... an LED display with a number key pad... this will be for punching in the exact year in time you wish to travel to. If you do not want to use a chair you may imagine some big elaborate machine that you sit in (your own time machine) with all the same controls.
In this room will also be a big giant movie screen. You can even have a button on your chair that makes it come down from the ceiling. This screen is where you will be watching the time frame you have chosen. Try to think of how you want all these items-- the building... the chair or machine... the screen.... before you you actually go into meditation. Predetermine how you want them all to look beforehand.
Now that you have all these thing ready in your mind... it is time to get started!
Go into your meditative state. When you are totally relaxed... take a mental walk to your special building and close the door. Sit in your special chair or machine and relax for a few more minutes. When you are ready... push the button that makes your screen come down from the ceiling and just sit there and stare at it for a minute. When you are ready, dial in what time period you want to travel to and or what country you want to go to. Now... just sit there and do not try to force this.... only sit there and wait for it to come up on the screen and relax and observe what is being shown to you. If you are impatient.... it will not happen! It may take several days of trying before you actually see anything but, it will happen!
When you want to come back... just push the buttons for the present on your chair and take a few minutes to evaluate everything you saw. then when you are ready get up out of your chair and walk out of the building and back to your physical body.

Yes, i know that it is not an actual time travel like in movies as ' back to future' and as you thought it is, but it is the only possible and actual way to time travel by astral projecting.
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Re: spells for time travel
By: / Beginner
Post # 33
There are no spells for going back to of the year 1985 physically. But what I do know is with enough meditation etc you can practice transport recall with your own spirits and you can look at your past and your future spiritually but not physically.
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Re: spells for time travel
By: / Novice
Post # 34
I would like to thank Darkked for explaining, I could never figure out how to put it into words myself. I'm glad there is someone else with the same idea :)

Personally, I don't believe there is such thing as time (as in past or future, we are always where we are), it's just a unit of measurement.
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Re: spells for time travel
Post # 35
@SpiritTalker Darkked is incorrect on a 'few' levels. If you change something in the past it will alter ' your' future NOT that of everyone else. Furthermore YOU are the one doing the 'altering' so the 'reason' to alter it is still there for YOU not for everyone else. When you go back to the time you 'left' it is now a different future ONLY from your perspective. All the rest of us who did NOT change time go on from the point YOU left. YOU return to a the future you created when you made the change. There is NO paradox created/made/conflict. The past is NOT definite nor is the future....if as you say then time is a 'unit of measurement' then that means there is something to 'measure' TIME. Time is past/now/future. Yesterday was the past for you, today is the now and tomorrow is the future. We do NOT have the wherewithal nor the technology to do this yet NOR the 'ability' to understand that changing the past will create different futures for those who change it. It will be used in the far future as a study method for our crazy time.
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Re: spells for time travel
Post # 36
Fascinating, I was indirectly disputed lol. Now, as said, when you alter the future from a past event, you alter your own past, not future. You have to remember that just because you traveled into the past, it doesn't mean you, yourself are a part of that past. You are still a future version of yourself, just stuck in the past. Thus, to alter your own past can cause this paradoxical event to occur, which is what my previous post tried to show.

More so, the definition of time is a measurement of change, and how long change has occurred. To better explain this, time did not begin without matter, and once matter came into existence, change came into existence. Once change came into being, time came into being to measure that change. But we cannot unchanged something. Now, reverting back to something and unchanging something are two completely different issues, but that is going off on a tangent.

As said, the past is a definite, for it is something that has Past and we cannot go back to. I guess this is the best time to explain the difference between unchanging and reverting. To go back into the past is basically unchanging all that happened, not even reconstructing but completely undoing all that happened after a past moment. That is the best way one can explain traveling into the past.

To revert back to the past is to reconstruct it, but you still have knowledge of what was after that past, and thus are trying to remake it but not go back to it. I really hope that made some sense.

Anyway, to go back to the past would require a complete undoing of all the change that has occurred, and thus it is not even really going into the past with the ability to change anything, but being in that time frame with the exact same knowledge, experience, and state of being as you were originally in at that moment.

Thus, time travel into the past is, from what I can say, impossible. Otherwise, our time frame right now would collapse and constantly be altering and changing, though we would never know it, because of the fact that people in the future would be altering it in many different ways by going into the past.

Now, as stated earlier by other members, a form of time travel is supposedly possible through astral projection. But there is a definite difference between actually going to the past and living in a reconstruction of what the past was. A good example would be in Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol". When Ebenezer went to the past to see his childhood, he didn't actually travel into a real past, but a reconstruction of the past playing before him so that he can see it happen, but not alter anything.

I hold my statement that Time travel into the past is impossible.
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Re: spells for time travel
Post # 37
Time travel is impossible physically. Although you can create it in the astral. Though it is still (in my opinion) impossible to recreate it all exactly. You can get really close with alot of practice. All the objects, technology, major people of the age could be the same but often smaller events and common people won't be the same. I envision a tree with doors to different time periods and find the door according to the time i want to go to personally. Though i havn't had that much sucsess in it yet though.
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Re: spells for time travel
Post # 38
Time traveling is impossible. You can only " speed or slow " down time.
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