Mermaid spell did it work

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Re: Mermaid spell did it work
Post # 12
you think...

Re: Mermaid spell did it work
Post # 13
Bardou, mermaids do Exist, haven't you ever worked with the Elementals?

As for the can't change your form, I've heard of the Elementals changing people, although I'm not sure if that was just after death...

Re: Mermaid spell did it work
Post # 14
I believe they change your soul, and you reincarnate as one...Although the sources are dubious, but I'm pretty sure you don't change on the physical plane.

Re: Mermaid spell did it work
By: / Beginner
Post # 15
So now you are half mermaid, half vampire?

Re: Mermaid spell did it work
Post # 16

Re: Mermaid spell did it work
Post # 17
you wouldnt be half and half :P it will take between 6 months and 3 years for the spells to finish. it depends on ur body. You would still be human. like me, im half human, half cat.. im planning on doing a faery spell soon so i would be 1/3 human, 1/3 cat and 1/3 faery if the cat and human allows the faery spell.
It sounds like the mermaid spell could be working, or it could be a trick of the mind. Be careful with the vampire. please do your research before you drink any blood or anything!!!!

Re: Mermaid spell did it work
Post # 18
creature magic can work, but it depends on the energy and magical 'powers' you have. creature magic i guess doesnt work for many people since many people do not believe in it. but there are many people that i know that know that it works. some have been dealing with magic their entire lives, and another for 11 years (all areas of magic) so i hope i am not gagged or warned for this comment for this isnt rp. I have multiple people that know that this is true, though so many people do not believe in it. it all depends on the energies you posses

Re: Mermaid spell did it work
By: / Novice
Post # 19
that's interesting truecat, on this plain i could have sworn it's impossible, are we talking physical or character traits? personally, i'm human, and i've never wanted to be anything else, not to say i love humanity, a werewolf would be neat, but there are negatives to being one, so i've never cast any of those transformation spells, even before i figured out they wouldn't work. yes, you could call me a nonbeliever and therefore it won't work, but i believe it wouldn't work on this plain, the astral perhaps, but not in the physical. i hope you don't get gagged either, you're just voicing your opinion. if you did it in a different manner [ie text speak] then i might have had my doubts, but to me at least, you seem like this is your belief and you have studied.

Re: Mermaid spell did it work
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 20're half "cat"? Let's see a picture then.
Do you talk like Henrietta Pussycat from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood? =)

As was stated, you cannot change your DNA (physical form/biology). You cannot turn into a cat this is not Sabrina or Hocus Pocus. The only reason movies depict people as cats surrounding movies, shows and books is due to the concept of a familiar and astral projection. You cannot become a mythical creature. Such spirits (key word there) are created to be as they are, just as you are created as you are. You can however look up power animals and animal guides. Your animal guide may be a cat.

As for the mermaid lady. You do realize mermaids are not all friendly like in Disney's the Little Mermaid right? They're actually feared more often than not. They are spirits of the sea. They could just as easily drag someone down, drowning them, as they could rescue someone who couldn't swim. In fact drowning them was more common. Mermaids originated from an ancient goddess who turned into a fish, then decided to be half fish, half woman. So mermaids are higher beings. You can't just ascend to become a higher being through a spell. And if you could (theoretically), you'd kill yourself, because no such thing can exist in the physical, it would only be possible spiritually.

Re: Mermaid spell did it work
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 21
Physical changes in humans is nothing more than roleplay. This thread is locked.

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