Wiccan Rede Crisis

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Re: Wiccan Rede Crisis
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 21

Unless in self defense it be, ever mind the law of three. If you are Wiccan harming someone else would probably cross your mind, but you would understand that the ethics behind it is not to act in such feeling. Accoordingly what we do has retribution, be it positive or negative, we get what we give.

It is sad that you went through a deceiving situation with your partner, but if we are relaying on the Wiccan Rede as a basis for acting in response and I quote act in "revenge" , you are bound to receive karmic feedback. My recommendation for moving on, is a focused mind and time. To be aware of what you are now, and why, and who you want to be. Sorrounding yourself in positiveness as a method for internal and external development. (Recommending alot of meditation, and the use of healing).

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