Demonic Pact!

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Re: Demonic Pact!
Post # 2
What kind of pact was it? (That they can never love, Maybe they'll forever feel dark inside etc...)
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Re: Demonic Pact!
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
Yea, a pact can mean so many different things. It could mean he sold his soul and those of his ancestors to the devil, which I do not believe would have any effect in my opinion except him being paranoid about his lost soul, it could mean everyone in the family dies at a very young age, or it could be just a story the family would tell to get their kids to stay on the straight and narrow(Christian Path). The family could just be trying to scare your friend because it is so close to Halloween. I hope this is not the cas and please take no offense to any of these situations I have suggested.
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Re: Demonic Pact!
Post # 4
My grandfather was a powerful wizard,he did help someone that had a problem like that,i over heard him talking about ancestral bones.i suggest using one of the bones of your friends ancestor for the magick to break the pact.
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Re: Demonic Pact!
Post # 5
On a philosophical note, the past present and future are happening all the time. So if he were to perform a spell reversal ritual, the energy of that ritual could potentially travel backwards in time and effect his ancestors, or effect their present spiritual forms (ie reincarnates or spirits still on this earth). There would still be danger of his ancestors haunting him, or disregarding the ritual as if they were more powerful than he. Maybe a deep meditation with gemstones followed by a tangible offering and a spell of respect? Maybe he could become with with the demons that haunt him, use them to his advantage if it seems to be a futile haunting.

Hope this helps
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Re: Demonic Pact!
Post # 6
what kind of pact is it? and what kind of demon did he make deal with and why?

about what to do, i know that there is some serious dark magic that can bind a demon in place. also i know there is a demon torment and banish spell, but never banish a demon before the curse is removed and about the spells, I've only heard of them never used them so cant exactly tell how they work but i can try to read in some details if you want? but as i said it is powerful dark magic so be careful.
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Re: Demonic Pact!
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 7
You cannot give what is not yours. Ancestory or not (humoring that this claim has any credibility), family is not yours to give, especially future generations. Children before they become independent (not by law but mentally) are the only human being other than yourself that you can "claim" as yours, but even that has limits. An object or place can hold negative energy for generations, but a spiritual being cannot "own" the right to terrorize a bloodline. This is something you see in the movies, not real life.

The only curse that exists at this point in time, is one this family has created through their own admission to these fears. If any spiritual being exists that is messing with the family, deal with it as you would any troublesome spirit.

As a high magick user, you should already know this. And I can't help but laugh at "set his soul free from damnation". The answer, remove the delusion.

I'm sorry for being so blunt. But really? You can't seriously believe what you just posted. I really can't believe no one has said this yet. I feel it needs to be said before we see more ridiculous notions like this popping up in threads all over the board. And I'm a little offended at the "witches making pacts with devils" theme. That's a myth created by the Christian Church to deem it ok to torture and kill people who did nothing more than have a different way of life.
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Re: Demonic Pact!
Post # 8
@WhiteRav3n: You are right. Well, the church spoke it. Do not blame me on this. I just did what my friend said I should do (I owe him)
That is what the church said and you know them, they get into your head and it plays with your psychology.
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Re: Demonic Pact!
Post # 9
David is not bound to anything but god/nature.. the church, as rav3n said, uses this bit to scare/trick people into submission. His own fears may get the better of him if he does not realize this. Remind him of the good things he has learned/decrypted on his own will, and also of his friends, and friends friends that care for and protect him.. Love and light is what we should walk in.. and if he's not allergic to church, he should get baptized (possibly again)to get them off his back..
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Re: Demonic Pact!
Post # 10
Thank you everyone. I will try to convince him this.
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