can anyone help???

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can anyone help???
Post # 1
heey all i have the abelity to see the future.....and i realy want to develope there any easy spell to do that....and i want to ask about telekenisis is it easy to be learned by a begener sorcerer like myself....plz help.....thx
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Re: can anyone help???
Post # 2
Nothing worth having comes easy. I've given up on telekinesis, it's too hard for me :-P but as far as seeing the future goes:

1. Keep a record of your dreams. A lot of dreams might just be memories or repressed emotions, but some are astral journeys or visions of the future... coming to us when we let relax our conscious minds.

2. Take up a systemic form of divination. Tarot is my favorite, but there's loads more... runes, cloud shapes, tea leaves, bird intestines... You can use your system of divination as a springboard to more consistently attune to your intuition.

3. Whatever state of mind or heart before you usually get a vision of sense of the future, try to duplicate. If you don't have time to sit in lotus position and "OM"inate, then just take a moment every day to get into that state and affirm, "I know what's coming, and it involves ____" and try not to try too hard, just let it come to you. And don't be too discouraged if it doesn't happen all the time on cue.

More intuitive ways of getting into a divinatory state of mind: scrying. Into a ball of glass or crystal, a mirror, a dark mirror, a bowl of water with ink in it, or even a bowl of gelatin if it comes to that, try to focus on it and relax while your vision shifts.
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Re: can anyone help???
Post # 3
thaaank u very much....however i am not that good at medetating...its not my passion....i like very very fast that a problem??
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Re: can anyone help???
Post # 4
Yes, lust for very fast results will be a big problem (if you're technically a beginner and have shown only the less dramatic natural talents...) but you've stuck with it for a year, so there must be something you like about practicing, right? You can make the journey fun, instead of only walking it for the end result.
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Re: can anyone help???
Post # 5
ya........i've been doing it for a year or so.....but i was studying and collecting spells.......i didnt know what to do...sometimes i get scared by going magick and sometimes i like it but i dont have time
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Re: can anyone help???
Post # 6
Hmm... then, I'd definitely recommend studying the tarot. It has everything-- meditation more interesting than the back of your eyelids, developing your psychic senses, and powerful symbols to use in casting spells.

In a way, you'll have quick results-- if you buy a deck, then you'll have a deck; when you study the card, you know the card; when you think about the card, you find out something about yourself or the world... shuffle and choose one card, read from the little white booklet, and you know the future.

It's very simplistic, of course-- in reality, predictions won't be so correct or even make sense, and the spells you cast with these just won't work, until you know how. And 78 different meanings with many levels will take a long time to master. But the journey can be fun and engaging.

They're convenient, even if you don't have the time to study or meditate then you can just carry the pack with you, shuffle and pick one card to think about through the day. Or put them together and try to make a story.

There are many different tarot themes, such as
Gummy Bears:
Kitty cats:
Video game artist Yoshitaka Amano:
Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci:

... so they don't have to be scary, and if you decide to give up on magic then the your tarot deck can still be something to treasure because it has a theme you like.
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Re: can anyone help???
Post # 7
i am a psychic to. i have tele to. first of become aware of energy patterns. for meditation is feeling. some use guided imagery. guided imagery is just that mind exercises a little problen floating down stream etc ect. blah blah.thats a start to get control of your mind. i took an apentiship. do this run you hands over your body start feeling your energy. after you get good at that feel objects out. get a ring from someone tap into it what do you feel. then start feeling people out. feel their energy. the parts that are cold your mind will be attracted to or it may feel cold. they may say im not sick you could feel a illness in the begging stage. one of the best classes you can take is reiki. this will help you develope. for me meditation is feeling not guided imagery.others have their view they probally read lots of books and are not natural at it. lets put it this way does everbody things the same/ there are good proven techniques. but if you can really do it you may discover a way better than a book. books on wicca 90 percent are money makers and repeat information.  i rarely buy any. i have a few i work with. i cast spells without candles with just the power of my mind. i heal people at distances. i dont do readings for the public its for my own use.last year i won 15 thousand at the casino. i just knew what game was going to hit. i didn't really try.
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Re: can anyone help???
Post # 8
Why not simply do some simple power mantras(you dont always have to meditate for that)for psyhcic power gaining?

I could give you some examples if you dont know any if you want just say so and it shall be given to you...
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