how do i make lucky charm

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how do i make lucky charm
Post # 1
what it sais i wana kno a spell to make a lucky charm because my gods(the ones for my casting cirlce) keep running out of magic and becomin basically not too useful n so i need to find out a spell to help me create a lucky charm.
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Re: how do i make lucky charm
Post # 2
try nutmeg put the charm on your altar after you consecrate it some say leave it in salt then concecrate it. in santarea they just chant over it burning incense. this is a form of concecration. after that put some nutmeg on it put it close to your altar candle or under it. cast the spell and it will be cast on the item. when it gets weak put some more nutmeg on it.
wear nutmeg before you go the casino. it stinks you better be light on it and cover it up with a little cinamon or allspice.
to make it more powerful cast a money spell on the item again and again some people have lots of luck charms and put them in a bowl close to the candle. some working witches do this for clients and give them at readings or give them away. they get them in bulk lots from people they know or ebay. some people when they find a penny make it into a charm. they sell coin bezels on ebay for pennies. recently i was lucky enough to find one my birth year. i cast a spell on a penny and gave it to my mother after buying a bezzle on ebay. i cleaned it up with kaboom and soap and water impressive.
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