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Re: Ancestors
Post # 31
My great granfather was a medicine man(shaman). If I go further back, I am a decendant of a Cherokee woman named Sally Waters who was of the Bird Clan and the daughter of her town chief. A little more and I am related to Sequoyah (George Quess), the creator of the Cherokee writting system. People accused him of being a witch because he was very solitary while creating this system. I don't really know any further back except they came to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears and many years before that lived in the mother town of the Cherokee Giduwa.
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Re: Ancestors
Post # 32
Noone powerful in my family. I'm the first one to start practicing magick
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Re: Ancestors
Post # 33
wow. when i first posted this i didnt expect such a good read! everyone has SOMEONE powerful or signifigant somewhere in their ancestry.
keep it coming. its amazing to see what people know about where they came from. if you dont know...look into it! maybe you'll find something amazing.
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Re: Ancestors
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 34
I was using the google search function on the site and found this old topic and thought it would be awesome to see if anyone who is active on the forum now has any interesting ancestory.

My great great grandfather (great grandmother's father) was a Cherokee Chief.
My Cherokee family walked the trail of tears, my great great grandmother died during it, my great grandmother was only eight years old at the time and was the oldest of her siblings. Being a proud people and angry over what was done, my family refused to sign the role or accept anything from the government. My great grandmother kept up a farm in Arkansas, then moved to Alabama with her children, giving birth to my grandmother. When the Mississipi had its most famous flood that went over rooftops, they were rescued off of their rooftop and then moved to Illinois, where my family to this day remain.

I actually get very upset seeing anything about the Trail of Tears. It had a very negative impact on my family and even though I was not present, since it was passed down verbally that feeling behind it is passed down as well. There is nothing more powerful than oral history.

My family was very big on verbally passing down stories. I heard them from my grandmother, uncle, aunt, and mother quite often throughout my childhood. They were repeated so frequently they're burned into my brain!

Nothing else in my family tree that is amazing. Especially nothing that tops my Cherokee heritage.

Eventually I will attempt to dig into more of my family history. Many in my family have tried and failed. But I like a good challenge.
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Re: Ancestors
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 35
I was taught that, through meditation, all the knowledge and wisdom from the millions of ancestors, are in the subconscious Mind.It is all "built in" to our genes (DNA ?). And it is from all previous walks of life, the "powerful" and the "not so powerful". I am lucky that a great many of my ancestors are buried in the same place.I often sit in that graveyard, and I can "feel" their presence. I know them all. Over there is William. There is Abraham. In other parts the many "Johns". They all started out as farmers. Then became " cottage weavers". After the industrial revolution, went to work in factories and mills. I do not know of any "royal blood", but I suppose if we go back far enough, we all have some!
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