Real Satanism

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Re: Real Satanism
Post # 41
NOTE: Now I'm not saying that this is the truth and you must believe it or you'll burn forever in hell, no I'm just giving the actual christian view, so save yourself the trouble of argument I do not argue over my religious beliefs because I respect the beliefs of others and I myself don't believe any religion is good, they were all created by men for men and take away from the god/gods they were created to glorify.

"There has been a lot of lies and false information told about Satanism and Satanist people, so I am here to straiten some thing out. First off, Satan is not a "red thing with rubbery wings" and has a pitchfork, but he looks like a man, and Satan is NOT EVIL! (this was a lie spread by the christens)" NightmareKid.

First, if your going to make a public forum posting calling out another religions "teachings" spell that religion correctly, if you can't even spell the religion correctly I highly doubt any information that you have on that religion is correct as well.

Second no where. NO WHERE. In the bible does it teach that Satan has horns. In fact it teaches that Satan is beautiful. Yes. The Christian bible teaches that SATAN IS BEAUTIFUL.Also he was the song leader in heaven, Lucifer and was called the morningstar. Which I will touch back on.

"Also, demons, only one or two kinds of demons have red eyes and rubbery wings (more lies spread by the christens) and these kind only protect the more important demons, the other demons also look like men and women. And also, DEMONS ARE NOT EVIL!, the word demon is greek for daemon which means: "In Greek myth, an intermediate spirit between men and Gods. Daemons such as the one who guided Socrates act as councilors and guardians to human beings."NightmareKid.

"Demons" As I was taught by the church, can take on any form they choose. Also in the KJV bible, the word demon is NEVER used. Every demon mentioned in the KJV bible is called a devil because in every domain devil is evil.

"And Satanic people, we don't do the crazy "blood rituals" or anything like that (the christens did that, we didn't, they just wanted us to look "evil"), in fact, our religion is actually quite harmless (also we don't have child molesting priests and we DON'T CONVERT OTHER PEOPLE TO OUR RELIGION!) NightmareKid

The truth is there are bad people in all religions. I do not believe in the use of priests, and the fact that the catholic church still gets away with filling peoples head with the bs that they are needed is astonishing! Yes, in the old testament animals were sacrificed because Jesus had not yet come to take the place as the sacrificial lamb... so to speak. And satanist do "evangelize" I hate to break it to you.

"I don't know but, Hell is not a "lake of fire"(thats just lies made up by the christens) but, it is a place where a lot of the gods are, it is very peaceful there, also it is not located in the center of the earth. Also, we are at war. "NightmareKid

I believe that when people die they "sleep" waiting for judgment.

Daniel 12:2, And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

Here are just some common Q&A on hell:

"A loving God wouldn't put His creatures in hell." God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (II Peter 3:9). "Know ye not that hell was not created for man? Hell was created for the devil and his angels"

"Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, PREPARED FOR THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS." (Matthew 25:41)

...ALSO, Christians are not taught that Satan is the ruler of hell, hell was made for him not as a kingdom but as a grave. The church teaches that Satan is the god of this earth.

"Why does God allow people to go to hell?"God is holy and will not allow any sin in His kingdom. As a result, when people die in their sins they are forever banished from the presence of God.

The difference between hell, the lake of fire, and the bottomless pit.

"In Revelation 9 we read of an angel who is given keys to the bottomless pit. When he opens it, outcome locusts which torment men five months. We learn that there is an angel of the bottomless pit who is also a king. His name is ?Destruction? or ?Destroyer?, king over the locusts. Some believe that this is Satan himself, but I think not. Satan has many kings under him, Daniel points this out, and he is the god of this world. Satan is more than a king.
Satan does not have unlimited power as is shown in the Old Testament Book of Job and eventually Satan comes up against the Lord Jesus Christ and is thrown into the bottomless pit for a millennium. Some believe his evil angels are also put into the bottomless pit with him. This may be the case. I read nowhere that people are ever placed into the bottomless pit. Some equate the bottomless pit and hell. I do not believe this, but think they are separate places within the earth.

Some equate hell with the lake of fire and this is not the case. Hell is thrown into the lake of fire which is also called the second death. Presently no one is in the lake of fire but the first ones to go will be the antichrist and the false prophet. They will be thrown alive into the lake of fire. Satan will be the third person to be thrown into the lake of fire. At The Great White Thrown Judgment whoevers name is not written in The Book of Life will be cast into the Lake of Fire. All the angels that followed Satan against God will go to the Lake of Fire. Death and Hell will be the last ones to be assigned to the Lake of Fire.
Death and Hell are angels that preside over those institutions. The place of hell will be destroyed when the earth is destroyed. This destruction will take place, some think, before The Great White Thrown Judgment. Not only will the earth be destroyed but also the whole universe. It came from nothing and will return to nothing."

"Guys.,go and searched more about satan,the meaning of that name,he is said to be a serpent,but i doubt that.
Blessed be" Merlin 2011

Serpent is actually Hebrew for "shiny one", if you read the bible it later says how the serpent was cursed by God.

"The Hebrew word for "serpent" is nachash. The word nachash can mean serpent and or shiny one. The word, as it appears in Genesis, is "ha-nachash" which means "The Shiny One"."

" tell me,what do satan have to do with magick?...of course i don't work with him,my magick works fine.(sorry if i may sound rude)
blessed be,bro."Merlin 2011

To be honest most Christians are uninformed about magic and do believe that all people who do magic get there powers from the devil, sadly.

"Christians got the idea of Satan from the pagan Horned God."Wolfmage

Once again the bible does not teach of the devil having no.

"He is in no way limited to Christianity's mere two thousand year lifetime. "Satan" was apart of the Torah. Although the Quran is about 500 years younger than the Bible, it too mentions Satan. And I I stated, the Persians had a similar figure."Whiterose

The Torah is the first five books of the bible.(And let me restate I am not here to change anyone's beliefs or to prove anyone wrong, only to give an accurate christian vantage point)

"Satan was actually a servant of "god. "God" would send Satan to hurt people to test their faith to "god". Another belief was that he was an angel that held a position as an attorney general of sorts for judgement."Whiterose

I know that in the Christian faith we're taught that Lucifer was the song leader in heaven before he fell.

And finally to touch back on the morning star:

"Lucifer doesn't exist in the Bible, its a mistranslation of morning star, the same exact word used to describe Jesus later on in the Bible. Satan was only later turned into an opposite and equal force by Christianity who stole the idea from the Persians."Whiterose

That's why the version of the bible used is so important!

In the kjv the verse is written:

Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!KJV

In the KJV Jesus is never called the morning star.

How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!NIV

Revelation 22:16,
"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you [1] this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

In the NIV yes they make the mistake of calling both Jesus and Lucifer the morning star.
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Re: Real Satanism
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 42
Wow, quite a lot of writing. I am not replying to argue with you, I'd just like to say, my name is WhiteRaven, not WhiteRose although I might use that one, a very nice name!

I personally went off of scholar's interpretations of the Bible from the original languages. Although I do find the varying english translations interesting.
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Re: Real Satanism
Post # 43

Ha my mistake sorry!
Without a doubt the christian religion has flaws, but when people make false claims about a religion because of stereotypes I just can't help myself.

I would never insult someones religion, its ludicrous that people in a magic community (stereotyped by others as "devil worshipers") would. Two wrongs don't make a right and only push the divide between us deeper and deeper.

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Re: Real Satanism
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 44
I personally wasn't insulting the Christian religion, I was pointing out the flaws of the Satanists like those from I understand those who use the word loosely but many take the Christian idea and reverse it. I also disagree with the idea of Lucifer in general, because the only claims on Lucifer are not supported by the Bible. The name was mentioned once in reference to a king, not an angel, and the rest was fabricated by the Catholic Church as an extension to that misinterpretation. I have yet to be offered some form of scripture or ancient text of mythology that demonstrates these extravagant stories surrounding an angel named "Lucifer".

I don't believe in a "Devil" or "Satan" and feel that "evil" is merely a human made term created by men who try to separate themselves from their natural carnal nature by making it seem like an external force. It couldn't possibly be, no, must be some devious being. Nature is both constructive and destructive, it is both kind and malicious--you can see this in everything, animals (including humans), plants, weather, and insects. Children demonstrate this most considerably, before they have been drilled with human morals and values. They are considered "innocent" yet they are the entirely driven by carnal instincts. Humans set their own standard and feel the world revolves around them, including their deity/deities. I personally enjoy the pre-jewish (Kabbalist) version of YHWH (which is essentially the Christian god). He was both sides of the spectrum, seen as light and dark in one. In my opinion, any creator would have to be what they create, so therefore the creator is everything nature embodies and this divine would not judge his/her creations for being what he/she is. Any ideas that a lesser god would be capable of overriding the Source by somehow tainting his/her creation makes no sense. But of course, that doesn't mean people shouldn't strive to better themselves. But even "better" is questionable. What is "better" other than another label? I could go on and on. It's why I never agreed with most religion. And I have yet to be confronted with a debate that disproved my opinion despite their religious affiliation. I've even stumped priests.
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Re: Real Satanism
Post # 45
...this is why nobody started a thread on Satanism so much arguing I mean seriously your not going to convince people to alter there views its pointless to try a lesson I have learned just keep religious views to yourselfs it will save you a lot of arguing trust me.
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Re: Real Satanism
Post # 46
u say u hv magic but is not from satan but from who and did get money with it if i may ask ????????
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Re: Real Satanism
Post # 47
hello ur a cat??
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Re: Real Satanism
Post # 48
Labistar Satan is not somone you get increased magical powers that comes from meditation and opening the chakras and nobody has gotten money from Satan unless the need is dire and even then I've heard of nobody who's gotten money from the true lord and creator of us all
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Re: Real Satanism
Post # 49
Espitit is absolutely right. However as much as I like the Satanism philosophy its devoted to being a typical person. I personally do not believe in "Satan" as an enity but rather a collect idea that makes people well people. For example. "666" mark of the "beast" refers to man and the inverted Pentagram is pointed to the earth which both go back to "man". I personally can not stand JoS as it spews hate once you get into some of their "work". As I stated earlier I like the philosophy but not the dogma however I feel the same way about Gnostic views. As far demons go between collective and shared aspects they all go back to a pagan deity of some sort. People have this impeccable need to if there's good in the world there's got to be "evil" especially when dealing with paganism and having fear of what they don't understand. And also you're leaving out the many different paths in Satanism. Lucifian to the Left handed path, and a few others. JoS is Christianity in reverse views. I'm not knocking other than the hateful rubbish that some use. As with any chosen explore it all before proclaiming its end all.
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Re: Real Satanism
Post # 50
Finally Someone Speaks The Truth Smfh. . .-.-
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