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Re: "Demon"
Post # 91
Yin and Yang, Light and Darkness, that which humans has come to refer to as demons are actually angels of darkness, because these angels of darkness reside in darkness and shadows they have been branded "evil" due to the foolish and limited mind of mortal men, the fear of humans is pathetic and in their ignorance they brand everything they dont understand or does not wish to understand as evil, "Good" and "Evil" are man made concepts that rarely serves any function in this physical realm of flesh other then to raise conflict and fear branding one side as "Good" and the other side as "Evil" in order to justify ones crimes against existence and balance.

Angels of light and Angels of darkness, they are here to watch over and guide humanity on their path throught existence, to help those who ask for help.

SonofShadows, it is good to see that there are people like you around who understand, its a shame things are as they are but with humans being manipulated by other humans by the means of fear and ignorance the lies are accepted.

Humans should seek and see the truth by their own eyes instead of trusting and putting their faith and lives in the hands of strangers who only seek to control them.

Fear has taken the life of many innocents and destroyed so much through the ages, Light cannot exist without Darkness, there has to be balance and understanding and the only way for this to happen is to face and overcome fear itself.

If something reside in this existence that can be called "Demon" its fear itself for it lives in the heart of all men and it is the cause of wars, suffering, ignorance and destruction, it comes in many shapes and forms but the result is always the same, Fear brings pain wherever it threads.

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Re: "Demon"
Post # 92
I've spent my life around demons, and again they weren't and are not those gods. Those were seperate identites and what ever you've delt with probably weren't demons. There are in fact spirits of darkness and of light as well as ones that go far beyond both and I've dealt with many so don't be disrespectful.
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Re: "Demon"
Post # 93
And not all beings of darkness are demons, which also aren't all evil such as Shades and other beings of Death and more.
What I can't stand about internet "experts" is how defensive they get when a mere idea or experience doesn't match their own. That and the pointless philosophical and pseudo intellectual babel that they use to justify the fallacies in their logic.
Of coarse a lot of demons were made to explain disasters and evil but following that logic one would deny most faiths as well seeing as beliefs were often made to explain things. While those entities may or may not have been real it or that man kind is it's greatest enemy doesn't mean that there aren't real dark and bad demons. I've personally dealt with a lot of them to protect and help myself and many other innocent people. There are many selfish ones that have their own agendas and desires and there are those who truely wish to help, even if just for a spot of energy in return. While they are no laughing matter they aren't as they are pictured on TV and movies nor are they invulnerable. They don't Force-heart-grab people or jump in to possess people but they present many unique threats a real experienced practioner knows. Daemons and Demons are only words and names which mean nothing and knowing the difference between them doesn't make you an expert nor does trying to put down others you don't see eye to eye with so grow up or shut up.
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Re: "Demon"
By: / Novice
Post # 94
Sol, I do agree with you to a certain extent. But not every being of darkness is a demon. And my last message wasn't directed at you 100% it was to all the people that are doing it over all the pages.
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Re: "Demon"
Post # 95
I understand and agree that many people online try to pose as experts to feed the ego. I merely mean to draw away from a semantic or theoretical discussion to a practical one discussing the differance between what a daemon may be and what demons actually are.
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Re: "Demon"
Post # 96
To start a better understanding we can define the difference of the entities mentioned and work from there. I put to you that a demon is a being of dark energy, which tends to make them selfish or even hostile. While they may present similar signs as a spirit, there are more personal signs and events that usually defines an encounter. I don't mean the "possession" seen on tv, these are far more subtle.
In the early stages it isn't uncommon for a large increase of psychic abilities, even in those who have yet to tap into them in their life. As well, seeing aparitions and shadows following you everywhere with hints of self-realized paranoia, anger, and doubt. As these progress random thoughts will pop up that seem like your own but have an alien feeling, perhaps against one's faith, abilities or the things one holds close. This often goes in hand with an increase in manifistations and activity such as things being thrown, electronic interference and animal disturbance. If the influence is successful, the target's energy becomes darker, and without any experience or strong enough will, this will lead to more selfish thoughts and a desire for the darker energy. This is because the demon can use this energy and will use it to create a cycle of making the target want and use it more so it will produce more, creating a symbiotic spiritual relationship. Often this bond is believed to be the idea of the target, thinking they want to do this so they can become more powerful. This is the result of a long and complex game they play that involves utilizing weaknesses to seep in and plant seeds, and then, more effectivly, turning the strength of the target against them.
In the the case of a personal demon, the opposing force of one's guardian spirit or guide, it comes down to the will and intelligence of the host. The manifestations mentioned before don't apply in the case of personals, nor do the psychic and spiritual elevations, as their particular goal is to suppress such things, but the mind games are all the same. Here the final test is if they will give in and not make the intial entry of their path(as this is where most targets of personal demons are at) or they rise above and cast it out. This is very difficult not just because of the age of the target but because most people having this experience with no outside help may never believe that this negatitivity is due to an outside force, thinking it must be their own mind screwing with them. This is true especially with "higher level" demons.
The difference with the more powerful demons is that there is more options depending on their assessment of the target. If they are weak willed with no real potential they'll be used as an energy source until a more "suitable host" is found. If the target has a strong will and potential or has similar desires and darkness they will turn them by assisting in growth and capabilities with dark energy. It should be mentioned that the host is just as capable of rising above the influence and utilize dark energy for unselfish reasons, simply favoring the dark like many practioners do, or even using more than just this. The final outcome is the failure of the demon to turn the target, again with more options still.
If a host of strong will refuses the darkness and continues on their path they may become a threat. Not because of a simplistic "good vs evil" idea, but because through learning and overcoming their manipulations and tricks they have not only learned a great deal about them but they learn, or at least find the way to, the power over them. This experience, while a hellish nighmare to those who lived it day in and day out for months or even years, will leave the target a great deal stronger in a number of ways. Mentally, knowing their strengths and therefor weaknesses. Spiritually, having an understanding and experience with their power. And Willfully, as the target realizes the true potential.
This alone makes the host now extremely formidable if engaged and the decision for the next move is passed up the ranks. This is a basic breakdown of the hostile encounters and pieces vary by case.
Now I put it to you that while your experience may be profound with the spirits you've met that they were not demons. It seems to me you use demon to mean daemon and if you haven't felt darkness as you said that they are most likely a different sort of spirit.
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Re: "Demon"
By: / Novice
Post # 97
Very nice post
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Re: "Demon"
Post # 98
Much thanks. I find your posts to be well written and thought out as well, I only mean to seperate and clarify what demons and daemons are. Would you say a daemon is more like or made of?
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Re: "Demon"
By: / Novice
Post # 99
I'm not sure, all I know is that daemon means "ancient and wise one" in ancient Greek.
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Re: "Demon"
Post # 100
I see. What is their energy like? Human, deity or other?
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