Twin souls.

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Re: Twin souls.
Post # 2
The sexual contact between some twin souls is very primal, raw, and at the same time highly spiritual. The instinctive kind of sexuality between twin souls means that at the human level it can be hard for the twins to put these feelings into words and it is, therefore, only in the sexual act that the ”real” talk between the two of them will be expressed. The more the twin souls merge sexually, the stronger they get in their individual selves. The twin souls were always one, but at their physical and sexual merging into each other, they become the WHOLE SOUL, and there is no individual sense of who is who. The individuality of each of them cease to exist when they merge into each other. They are ”just” ONE and feel this ONENESS. They can stay in this feeling of ONENESS as long as they are merged into each other, physically, spiritually and sexually, but when the merging into each of them stops and they start being two individuals again, the feeling of the loss of the other half is so painful, so that at the very level of your own soul you can feel that a part or half of yourself is missing. Sexually there is a clear distinction between the male and female half of the same soul. Energetically the female half is the one who ”surrenders” herself to her male half in the sexual act. He, on the other hand, is the one in sexual lead in the act of love making. This means that with the twin souls, there is a male and female kind of sexuality. It is all a reflection of their male and female energies and how each of them are at the very level of their soul.

Many female halves acknowledge to themselves directly that they have met and bonded with the male halves of themselves. There is a difference between male and female halves. The female halves are naturally connected with their feelings. The male halves are not connected with their feelings the way the female halves are. This means that sometimes the male reactions to having met their female halves will lead to the men withdrawing emotionally from their female halves. At the human level the female half will often feel that because the male half does not openly declare and acknowledge the twinship, the male half didn't really recognize his female twin after all. To me twin souls make out a whole and a unit. This means that at the soul level both do recognize each other, but the reactions to this recognition vary between the male and female halves. The female halves naturally connected with their feelings often find it very difficult that their male halves seem to withdraw and in some cases the shock of meeting the other half and uniting at such deep levels lead to the twin souls not being able to talk at the human level about what actually happened. The female halves often want to talk about it, but it can be painful for the male half to open up emotionally, because he has been shut off emotionally due to the long separation from his female half. Conflicts between twin souls often arise when the female twins long for an emotional reaction from their male counterparts and for some reason the male halves do not feel ready to open up emotionally. Female halves are so connected with their feelings, so sometimes they tend to push things instead of ”letting go” and trusting that the twin soul process will eventually lead them to the right place It is important to know that it is not possible from the human point of view to control the twin soul process itself. The only thing that you can control as a soul half is yourself.

The intensity and complexity of the twin soul relationship on earth leads to the fact the twin souls often separate if they are not ready to be together at the human level. A remarkable inner journey starts to take place after the twin souls have merged on earth. They have become ”more” themselves than what they were before. A new sense of Self of who they are at the very center and core of their souls has been born. They feel changed, but often at first it can be hard to put into words exactly what has happened. The separation is therefore, often, ”planned” before incarnating such as the meeting is also ”planned”. I do not want the word ”planned” to sound too metaphysical, but what happens is that at the human level it feels like the twin souls are ”forced” apart to grow individually. Now growth has nothing to do with being a better soul, for the twin souls the spiritual growth has to do with the accelerating sense and feeling of the Self. It is a journey into a new sense of consciousness of ones Self. Very often people who have been united with their twins feel helpless when they feel and see that they are being separated from their twin souls again. The separation leads to a lot of pain, anger, and frustration. Sometimes the separation from the twin soul is so painful so that people get physically ill, because they feel the part of themselves missing and it almost feels like missing a vital part of ones physical body. This can lead to physical illness.

During the separation the twin souls must feel and reconnect with their own inner selves to be able to feel the bond with their twin souls. The union and merging has led to the fact that their newly joined energies have made them deeply telepathic with each other. If you think of the fact that the union has made the two one, you can very well know that if you have met your twin, you can never be sure if what you feel is your own feelings or the feelings of your twin. As the twin souls are separated after the merging, some will begin to search in the outer sense for the twin. They will do everything possible to reconnect with the twin in the outer sense, so they do not have to feel the loss inside themselves. This outer search is very painful and sooner or later one will feel that there is no other way to connect with the twin than to reach for the deepest place in ones own inner Self. It is a journey where a soul who has experienced the loss and separation from the twin, will begin to feel very different and alienated from other people who have not experienced meeting their twins. When you feel the loss of your twin you can feel alone when you are around other people, because no one else, but your twin knows you the way you know yourself.

When people first realize that they are being separated from their twin souls and it all seems out of their hands to control, many will find themselves in a state of panic and desperation. Being separated from the twin soul, feels like a deep loss of yourself. This loss is excruciatingly painful and at times a soul half, feeling the loss of the twin soul, can find it hard to know what to do with these feelings. Sooner or later you will begin to feel that you must ”surrender” yourself to the spiritual and very emotional process that starts to take place at the inner levels. You realize that exactly when it comes to the twin soul process, you don't seem to be able to be in control. You cannot control when and how to reunite with your twin soul.
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Re: Twin souls.
Post # 3
This means that the entire twin soul journey begins both with feeling the ONENESS with the twin and from there feeling the loss of the twin and feeling the loss of oneself and the ”person” one used be with the twin, before there was any of separation at the dawn of times. I feel that when you have felt the union and ONENESS with your twin, you also feel and have an unconscious memory of how you used to be before you experienced the separation and split from your twin soul in the beginning of human history. No matter how the journey is of each twin soul couple on earth, each of them will after the merging, be ”forced” deeply to FACE THEIR INDIVIDUAL SELVES. Sometimes a set of twin souls are not ready to be together if the mirroring is too intense. It can be too intense if each of them haven't faced their individual selves. You need to be able to SEE and ACCEPT everything about yourself, the way you are, the good and bad things in your personality in order to be able to handle the reflection of your very own twin soul.

You cannot get to your twin in anyway if you don't face yourself. You must face all issues in yourself in every way and individually. You cannot get to your twin soul if you feel something is missing inside of yourself.

Many people who have been united with their twins and experience some sort of separation whether it is an actual physical separation or an emotional one, will very often feel that if only they could be with their twin souls in some kind of relationship, the deed would be done. This is also the reason why many female halves try to take control directly when it comes to their male halves. In desperation many female halves try to reach out for their male halves in one way or the other. Often the female halves therefore try to control the twin soul relationship by actively trying to make the male halves move towards them. Often the female twin souls long for an emotional ”feedback” from their male halves and for this reason female twin souls tend to take emotional lead when it comes to their male counterparts. All this is done out of desperation for the other half.

In reality at the level of Self, this will never work out. The reason for this is that each of the halves are forced to face their individual selves and the female halves are ”forced” to not to actively reach out for their male halves, but to reach inwards for their inner Selves. The male halves must also face themselves individually from their women. They must do their own work, in their own time frame and way. This can be very hard for the female twins to realize and to accept. The facing of the Self has to do with balance. You are not balanced if in desperation you want your other half more than you want yourself, so that you don't really care about yourself. This is often the situation for many female halves. They will find themselves in this imbalanced state of being until they realize that now is enough, I must get back to Myself now, take care of Myself and honor myself as a soul half. Many female halves are very empathic with their male halves and this can very often lead to the female halves wanting to be there for their men in every way.

For the male halves the situation could be that they are so not used to feeling their feelings, so they depend on their female halves to feel for them. Again this is an imbalanced state of being for the male halves, they must feel on their own. They must be in their feelings and take the risk of feeling vulnerable emotionally. Unconsciously many set of twin souls, therefore separate, so that they can start facing the Self fully. Without knowing it and despite the deep pain of being separated, many sets of twin souls have chosen at the level of their soul to separate for some time, perhaps years, so that they can start facing themselves. Some twin souls do not separate in the same dramatic way that other twin souls separate, they stay in touch, deeply connected and for them it can be a harder journey to face the individual selves, because when you are presented with your very own twin soul, you see so much a part of yourself, so you can be confused about what is really your Self. It is easier to face the Self when there is a complete physical separation. For this reason many sets of twin souls are today separated, because the actual physical separation forces each of them to FEEL their individual Selves.

Sometimes twin souls are in relationships or married to other partners and they can nevertheless meet and merge on earth in sexual and spiritual union, very often the physical union with the twin forces the twin souls to take a look at the actual relationship they are in. It can be very hard to stay committed to a (marriage) partner when a person has been with his/her twin soul, because at the level of the Self even in another relationship, the loss of the twin will be felt. This means that when you are with another partner and think of your twin, you will feel alone in this relationship. Eventually you will also feel that you cannot be true to that partner or yourself, because the longing for the twin soul and being true to ones inner self can be too intense. You will suddenly feel that you live a double life. A life where you are with that partner, but you will not feel that he/she sees your true self and a life where you long to be true to yourself and to live an authentic life perhaps with your twin soul or just with yourself. When you deeply start facing the Self, you will often find it necessary to be in ”isolation”. It seems necessary to be in this isolation, because you must feel very deeply what is you, so that you are not distracted by other people, situations or circumstances of life. I believe that the hardest mission any sets of twin souls can face on earth, is the mission of facing the Self.

With the merging and union with the twin soul, you get to feel your Self again, you become conscious again and you start asking yourself questions and you also feel that there are things in life that you don't want to put yourself up with anymore. You cannot anymore just watch your life from the outside , you need to take part in it. Some people will claim that when it comes to the twin soul process, it all happens spiritually beyond ones own control, the truth is that the twin soul process is really such a deeply personal process, so that it forces you to be 100% present in your own life. You must face your life, yourself here and now. You must be a soul fully alive in your physical body. You might not be able to control the overall process that has to do with your twin soul, but you can control yourself. When you feel that there has been a loss, not of just the loss of your twin soul, but also the individual loss of yourself, you will feel feelings that are not spiritual at all. It can be intense feelings of anger, hurt, unconditional love for the twin, and pain of separation. I think it is very important that you feel these feelings in you, otherwise there will be no connection to your twin soul. You cannot get to your twin soul during time of separation if you do not feel how deeply you at times have felt the loss of your own Self and the loss of your twin soul. The only way to the twin is therefore through your Self.

You must feel all feelings to be grounded, otherwise you will never really be present here in your physical life. We have chosen to be in our physical existence to feel. When you face your self you will at the same time feel the pull from the identical energies of your twin soul. You will feel that you can only get back to your twin soul, when you are being your true and honest Self and face all the deepest feelings and wounds within yourself. Twin souls couples never completely face the same issues, yet it seems that all people who bond with their twins sooner or later must face themselves individually.

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Re: Twin souls.
Post # 4
The twin soul journey is very complex. I believe that it is a fact that God wants us to be conscious and take actively part in our own journey. This means that if you want to reunite with your twin, you must become fully conscious of your own Self. If you are unhappy in whatever situation you can find yourself in, you must make a change to your life. You can change you. And if you want to change your life, you must change your Self. It is a fact that many women and men deep down want to be rescued, this means that many times people who know of their twins, wait for something to happen in the outer sense, so they don't have to do the inner work that is necessary to unite with the other half. If you desire to be rescued you will have lost your own sense of Self. This means that you will have lost your sense of direction of life. You will be waiting for something to guide you without feeling that if you become conscious of your own Self, you will eventually feel what is the right path for you. I believe that it all flows from the Self, if you know your Self, everything else will fall into place. Therefore, it is not a question of knowing the Self of your twin, but knowing your own deepest Self. So how can I get to my twin soul then? You must make the decision that you must get your Self back in every single way. You cannot get the Self of your twin soul back to you, if you don't have your own Self back to you first. Your twin soul will always mirror back to you whatever situation you find yourself in. Therefore, your twin soul can actually mirror back to you that you are lost. You must regain control of your Self to not feel lost with your twin soul or in your twin soul situation. A fact is if you feel that you are lost in whatever situation you are in, your twin soul will mostly likely also feel lost. You might not be able to talk to your twin soul openly about this, but a fact is that if you feel that you are lost energetically, your twin soul cannot help, but to pick this up in his/her own soul half. Therefore, it is a question all the time of getting ones own inner Self back and in this way to be staying in balance.

It is about achieving a ”realization of the Self”. This means that in your individual Self of who you are, you have potential gifts and longings with what you want to do with your life. Some people will say: I just want to be with my twin soul – that is all I want to do with my life. The truth is if all you want with your life is to be with another person, twin soul or soul mate, you will not have achieved any ”realization of your own Self”. You will not know who you are or what you want to do with your life. You will have lost your sense of Self. Self Realization means that instead of focusing on your twin soul, you focus instead on using all your God given talents and this way becoming the whole you that you can be. You become ”whole” in you. Now wholeness does not mean that you do not need other people in your life. Wholeness means that you are strong and safe in your Self. You trust and know that you can be yourself 100% without feeling that you are missing something inside of you. You use all your God given gifts and potentials to turn yourself more into you. In this way you are completely true to yourself, you use the abilities and gifts that you have. For this reason it is no longer a question of the twin souls being each other or trying to be each other, but a question of each of them being their true individual selves, actively living a life according to their full potential, doing what each of them do best. They are ONE soul, but two individual, two selves

The twin soul relationship is the relationship on earth where you are most likely to lose yourself in the other half. Some will say that if you are strong in your Self, this cannot happen, but one thing that has to be taken seriously into account when it comes to the twin soul is that love is very seductive. You feel unconditional love for the other half and this feeling can actually lead you to become Selfless in your love for him/her. For this reason the twin soul relationship is all the time also a relationship that one has with oneself. One has to be aware and conscious about not losing oneself to the twin on many occasions, because when the loss of ones self happens, both twins will be lost. The paradox is of course that you cannot merge into the other half without losing your self in the union.

Your longing and desperation for your twin soul is so intense and so painful, so you will do everything possible to be with him/her. In this way you ignore your own self, lose your inner balance and don't really care about yourself. I am sure that many people who have met and merged with their twins recognize this situation. Here it is again a question of taking oneself back fully and to be acknowledging to oneself that I must be Myself fully to GIVE and RECEIVE love.

Another example is this: Twin souls share the same identity energetically, this means that there can be times where you are so desperate for your other half, so that you turn yourself into the other half. You can do this by taking the best qualities and gifts of your twin and in this way energetically you become him/her. When this happens you experience a loss of Self, because even though you share the same energies with your twin, you have your own qualities and gifts that make you the person you are. You need to be you, the whole you that can be to be a magnet to your twin soul.

On Earth it is very important also to consider ones twin soul as a human being. What I see happening today is that when we talk about spirituality, we often focus on the abstract, intellectual thoughts and focus more on us as souls than on us as human beings. For this reason the twin soul often becomes an ”entity” that people want to connect with to feel more complete in themselves. The truth is that we are all human beings and when you meet your twin soul, you will meet a person who is just as much human with human feelings as anyone else. For this reason when we talk about the ”spiritual” processes that happen when twin souls have been united, we have to know and take into account that the twin soul is not just a person who will give you everything you feel missing in your life. The twin soul is the other half of you, a whole human being, but there will still be human flaws, weaknesses, desires and talents of that person. Everything that makes him/her human.

This also means that even though twin souls are ONE energetically and can merge into each other, sometimes at the human level they will still experience human conflicts. Sometimes at the personal level twin souls don't necessarily get along. Other times twin souls struggle with differences in personality

Sometimes a set of twin souls incarnate as the same sex. There can be many reasons for this. All twin soul relationships are between male and female energies of the same soul. This means that it doesn't matter if we think of ourselves as heterosexual or homosexual. If you meet your twin soul, one of you will be the female half and the other will be the male half, no matter what gender each of you have. This means that each and every person that meets his/her twin soul will go through the same processes that I have described here. When you meet your twin soul, you will be forced to face your Self.

When we talk about heterosexual or homosexual relationships we focus on the gender of the physical body instead of the gender of the soul. At the level of the energies when twin souls meet, they will be drawn to each other no matter what gender they have. This means that sometimes the male and female halves of the same soul meet and both of them can be incarnated in women's bodies or in men's bodies.

Uniting with the twin soul on Earth in a relationship has do do with readiness, especially individual readiness of each of the twins. Each of them must have achieved an inner sense of WHOLENESS which will make them feel that although they are part of each other, they are still two individuals, whole in themselves. One of the most important reasons why WHOLENESS is important when it comes to twin souls is that twin souls must be two whole selves so they will not experience a constant loss of Self in their union.
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Re: Twin souls.
Post # 5

Will bookmark this for future reference.

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Re: Twin souls.
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 6
Wow, that just described my life with my husband...a bit freaky.

A good author. She knows her stuff. I think its a little odd to be discussing reincarnation and "God" at the same time in a professional form. But to each their own.
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Re: Twin souls.
Post # 7
another name for it is the soulmate principle correct?
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Re: Twin souls.
Post # 8
They are not opposite genders all the time. As gay and lesbianism is very apparent and their halves are same sex
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Re: Twin souls.
Post # 9
"When we talk about heterosexual or homosexual relationships we focus on the gender of the physical body instead of the gender of the soul. At the level of the energies when twin souls meet, they will be drawn to each other no matter what gender they have. This means that sometimes the male and female halves of the same soul meet and both of them can be incarnated in women's bodies or in men's bodies."

Hence both can be of the same sex!! @ Oraclewitch
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Re: Twin souls.
Post # 10
This post is very interesting. I read the whole thing word by word and honest to goodness loved every bit of it. Most of it made sense. But right through, there just was one thing that kept bugging me...

"Prior to incarnating your soul has chosen to be born in a physical life in order to learn specific lessons. We have been gently guided before we incarnated to choose the plan for our lives that will give us the most insight in our souls. We choose to incarnate to heal and to feel"

If I have chosen my specific lessons in this life, then what the hell was I thinking? LOL... whoever gently misguided me into planning my life, is gonna get one tight slap when I cross over...sorry couldn't resist. I'm not coming back once I'm gone. My soul has had enough of that four letter word--Life!
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Re: Twin souls.
Post # 11
I read every single word. This is a great post, for me an eye opener. I too can relate to all of this, although my connection is w/two different people, so I guess you could day I have two twin souls. Each relationship being different in some ways from they other.
The first being my identical twin sister (Sheena). A majority of what was said describes Sheena and I. In the sense that twins start as a whole, then split. Shes part of me in a big way. She's Part of me, my soul. We're each our own person, but make one another whole... in a way. When a twin loses the other at birth that twin can seance that somethings off his/her whole life. The same w/me, I can seance if shes hurt or if somethings just off w/her. I cant explain it, its just a feeling I/we both get. As kids my twin and I couldn't play hide and seek... We'd always go right where they other was hiding w/o any effort. When she got hurt I was the one to come down stairs screaming, yet it was my twin who needed stitches! I know when I'll get sick, because she gets it first...always! We even had our own language. we cant hear each others thoughts, but we can read each other w/o any words being spoken. Being an identical twin isn't like having a regular sibling. We're connected in deeper different way. When were away from each other for a long time its difficult.
The second is my husband. We met when we were teenagers. We've been together for 11 years now. Everything, and I mean everything you said applys to my husband and I. In every way, The good and the bad. I agree 100% when you said "You can get lost in your "twins soul". Ive allowed myself to take on caring for him, his needs, wants, which of course a wife does that anyway, but in doing so I didn't/haven't tended to my own needs. The next thing I know im realizing I've lost part of myself. With that part gone, i'm no longer me! to take care of him, his needs, wants. Its just as you said. I feel that I've molded to him, letting my life goals slip away, forgetting who I am. and what I want. Don't get me wrong I love my husband w/all my heart just the thought of being with out him (which in the past i have) deeply pains me. I feel as if, losing part of who i am has caused issues between us (which you said). were not like we use to be. we fight, argue, we cant seem to communicate anymore w/o it turning into an argument. Maybe in a way i upset w/him for the change, (even though its my own doing) or cause i feel held back. just thinking of what we've become brings tears to my eyes. I find myself feeling alone, LOST! Like "Im" just off. For so long i couldn't figure out what happened w/us, w/me, but this makes perfect sense!! I need to get "ME" back in order to love him right... or anyone else for that matter, I need to work on myself, love myself first. So id like to Thank you for this post its opened my eyes in a big way. I haven't been on this site long, but the people here have tought me a lot in a short time. so again, Thank you!

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