How far can magic go?

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How far can magic go?
Post # 1
I mean if it can speed time up or slow it down and make someone love you then what else can it do? Some say it can make you fly and others say its possible to create a person. I have never actually seen any of those done, any experiences? Mine doesn't seem to be going far...sigh.
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Re: How far can magic go?
Post # 2
Listern Erri magick is the gift of the gods be thankful you have connections to it and remember magick works in waves back and forth building up until it reaches it's result
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Re: How far can magic go?
Post # 3
My own teachers says we'll never be X-men: "I mean, I'm considered powerful -- and look, I can't do dung.*" then I watch her hold back a rainstorm and I'm agape and blurting, "Uhh, actually Storm does that... d...uung!!" since I thought weather control was only dramatics.

Re-arranging likelihood of events, changing minds, experiencing new perspectives... definitely limitless effects, with magic. But (even though weather control was impressive) flying, manifestation, fireballs of doom... maybe not in this generation, so don't sweat it. :-)

* not the actual word
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Re: How far can magic go?
Post # 4
We still have ways to human evolution goes, the magick around us, we cannot control just yet to the full benefits....Long time ago, people were more open to it, so they have more abilities to do such things as weather changing and stuff...people had more faith on the universe(god) *_* if we were not so closed minded we could already be walking on water like Jesus, or levitating....-_- but we are too materialistic and so closed minded...^_^ no matter how much I try to see every point of mind since to find a way to contradict itself. So, magick is out there, just waiting to be used, the limitation is as fas as are imagination go.
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Re: How far can magic go?
Post # 5
As far as you want within reason. Like you Erri I've never seen anyone fly, or make a person; except of course in the traditional ways. Making a person is nature, done it 5 times myself with help of woifey and flying can be done with technology.

As for time slowing down and speeding up, not witnessed that either, or have I? Seems the older you get the faster time goes, unless you're waiting for something to boil.

Making somebody love you ain't really on. The more you understand about the power and use it and see it in action, the more you will appreciate how much free-will it robs the subject. It is only the ruthless, the uncaring and the ignorant who follow that road. What next? The world?

The power is for you to find Erri. Let us know if you manage to change the alacrity of time. Useful knowledge.

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Re: How far can magic go?
Post # 6
Yeah love spells play with free will ( I did not regret it...just embrace it) ^_^ but who knows....
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