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Re: Static?
Post # 11
Wow, I have clairvoyancy too! This is so cool!
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Re: Static?
By: / Beginner
Post # 12
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Re: Static?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 13
I'm sorry I just saw the flame comment. My apologese for not answering, I didn't mean to be rude!

Yes flames can look various colors, so can anything. But flames already have an aura of physical light eminating from them which makes it easier to view. You can tell the difference because the light around the candle looks sort of tinted with the color. Like a colored lens is being used. I find it easiest to see colors dramatically when viewing them in front of a white wall. Charged candles have wider auras and you'll be able to see the aura continue down the entire candle.

Obviously candle flames naturally have a white, orange or yellowish aura to them so charge your candles with something a little more obvious when trying to see color.

If you see a different color than what you were expecting, write it down. You don't always know what colors your subconscious affiliates with certain things. But this is a great way to find out.

When I scry a flame the color of it is very important to me. Always interpret colors based off of your own representations. Think to yourself "what does this color mean to me?" Spiritual color can be different from person to person based off of their own beliefs surrounding that color.

Think about it, why do all beings of evil look dark with red eyes? Or red with black eyes? They don't! But they're perceived this way because it is what people subconsciously connect to it. Food for thought! =)
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