Christian witchcraft

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Re: Christian witchcraft
Post # 51
I don't mind if any of you have insight into helping me I just want to have options.

Re: Christian witchcraft
Post # 52
Thank you I really didn't know this.I'm a beginner an thank you for this insightful knowledge. They call me brother on here.thks again.

Re: Christian witchcraft
Post # 53
Hello, this is always a difficult topic, but i will state on this thread what i have on any others when asked. I consider myself a Wiccan. I believe in something called monotheism by inclusion, which is basically were all Deities either for political or spiritual reasons have become one. That is the definition. It just means that all Deities are one, we just have many different names and faces for the Divine as we are all different and will be more receptive to different faces. That means whichever name or face of the Divine i am praying to or offering to, i know that it is just a representation, and yet the Deity is still very real. Path of a Christian Witch by Adelina St Clair is a good read for anyone who wishes to learn more about this path. If anyone has any questions feel free to message me and i'll do my best to explain and help. I hope this helped.
Blessed Be, Moonrise13.

Re: Christian witchcraft
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 54

Moonrise, there is a big difference between Witchcraft and Wicca.

They are not the same thing. Wicca is a religion with specific beliefs and practices that are in contradiction to Christian teachings. As an example, Wiccans do not recognize the need to be "saved" by anyone, nor do they follow the same teachings as the Christian church requires. In my opinion one cannot be both Christian and Wiccan because the belief systems are totally at odds.

Witchcraft, on the other hand is just what it says it is, a craft. One can be of any religion and practice Witchcraft as long as you feel that your religion does not teach you differently.

Re: Christian witchcraft
Post # 55
Hello, thank you for the reply. I do understand that, and i would not label myself as a chrisitian wiccan. I am simply a wiccan that acknowledges Jesus as a face of the Divine. I suppose it also depends on your opinion of what a christian is. To me it is someone who believes in Jesus and has a connection to him, just like any other face of the Divine.

Re: Christian witchcraft
Post # 56
If you really read the bible, Jesus was not just a man who drove out demons, he was a master of the art. He could drive out demons that no one else was able to.

Re: Christian witchcraft
Post # 57
Also, the Bible is against "any who have a familiar spirit " aka a demon. I am a Mormon, and I see no reason not to use my GOD -GIVEN gifts.
Also, if you read near the end of Genesis, Joseph even openly states that he practiced divination.

Re: Christian witchcraft
Post # 58
For those of you who aren't familiar what the old Testament, herbalism and such were once widely practiced and allowed in Christianity until the books revision into the New Testament. I personally feel that people had a bit more freedom when it came to practices like this when there were no doctors and you had to do the best you can to heal someone. People who believe what's written in the new testament are very held back. Also, the next time someone insults your religion, turn a blind eye to it. Don't reply. You're just fueling their fire and making them more prone to say more and more hurtful things. You have the freedom to believe what you want. Hell, if you wanted to, you could believe Lelo and Stitch created spaghetti and meatballs and God was Pudge the fish. You believe what feels right. Don't give in to some pathetic trolls crap. (sorry if what I said sounds profane but that's the only way I could word it properly in my head.)

Re: Christian witchcraft
By: / Novice
Post # 59
Witchcraft is just that,it's a craft
Nothing to do with religion Many Christians Use witchcraft
As a practice,Christianity is their religion.

Re: Christian witchcraft
Post # 60
Part of what brought me to learning about Wicca and eventually practicing and studying paganism and being a druid was the Unitarian Universalism Church. The UU believes everyone is saved who believes in a god and that Jesus was a teacher but not Devine. Many UUs identify as Buddhist, Pagan, or Wiccan and they are encouraged to explore and grow spiritually.

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