
CovenDeep Arts ► Changes
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Post # 1
This is a thread for any updates about any changes in the coven.

Re: Changes
Post # 2
I am writing only to greet this thread... And congrats to you Neorsa.

Re: Changes
Post # 3
Thanks Mara.

I know there have been lots of changes in the coven leaders lately, and that because of that many of the members have left...
Well, not only because of that but because some of the members saw the actions of the priest and priestess for what they were, tyrannical and uncaring.

Priest and priestess was changed over and over without any thought of how the members would feel, and as I watched the older members leave, I began to realize this, and the mistake I made in not worrying for the members happiness over my own selfish desires.

Draggy is coming back as priest...for the moment at least. I am hopeful that Tempus will learn what I put the members first, and not worry about what consequences the individual faces because of it.

Leaders are here for the members, not the members here for the leaders, and it is as simple as that.

I should've cared more for the members in the first place, rather than my own desires, but I didn't, and I admit to my mistake. And so, I'm going to work to correct that mistake and bring back what there once was in this coven; that family atmosphere.

I truly am sorry.

Re: Changes
Post # 4
There have been some changes in council position as well as you have probably already noticed. :P

Mara, Zea, and Tempus are all council members.

Mara was promoted because she knows her stuff and she has drive and caring for the coven.
Zea remained the same because she has that same drive and care for it (not that you don't know your stuff too ;) ).
Tempus moved down from priest to council for the previously stated reason in this thread and I am hopeful he will stay and learn how to run a coven from Draggy.

Just letting everyone know the changes and why they were made that way. :)

Re: Changes
Post # 5
I'm not really sure what's going on, or why, but I've a) removed from the priestess position (to which the former priest Draggy owned upto) and b) I've been gagged.

I may be just making assumptions, but as he was planning on leaving the site, I think it's a safe assumption that somehow all of this goes back to him, or someone else. *shrugs* I don't really know, I don't really care.

Originally Draggy's plan (that we'd discussed) was to make MaraXXX priestess as well as myself. As you can see, MaraXXX and Nefemaryn are your priestess and priest now.

All I can really say is good luck with that as I'm gagged as Neorsa, and will probably remain so. Because of that, I can't really say I'm a member of the coven anymore. After I pull out my information from the coven (the information I actually posted not the information I moved) I'll take off and go to Second Sight.

Anyone who wishes to is welcome to join me. ^_^ But I can't be exactly involved in Deep Arts if I've been told by the former priest's actions that I'm not welcome there. Sorry if this is an incorrect assumption, just based on the fact you didn't speak to me before taking these actions kinda makes me think you're behind the whole thing.

I can't help who is priest or priestess, but I'll be around for MaraXXX and Nefemaryn if they need any help with the coven. :)

Re: Changes
Post # 6
More changes...

Mara, Nef, I hope to god you know what you're doing seeing as how you haven't been councilors for long.

Re: Changes
Post # 7
Before we go making public assumptions, how about we get facts first. I think a few of us have seen what happens when we go off on tangents without having all the information available to us.

I was informed what happened last night (early this morning). To protect the privacy of some members from public eyes, anyone who wishes to know what happened is more than welcomed to mail me.

It was already explained in the chatter as to what happened and at least one other member saw this. Apparently, not everyone though.

As for the new Priest and Priestess, how about a warm welcome instead of laying a crap load of pressure on them.

It's my understanding that Mara has been part of this coven in one way or another since it's creation. Considering ALL the changes that have been made recently, it's not surprising that the council positions are new to MANY people. That doesn't make them any less capable.

Nef, I cannot comment on as I haven't had the chance to talk to him, but my understanding is that he comes highly recommended.

Again, let's leave the assumptions at the door because once they are out there, they are NEVER cleared up and tend to be the only thing remembered. If anyone needs further information, my mail box is open.

Re: Changes
Post # 8
*Takes three very deep breaths*

Yes! I, have been Member of this coven for long, long time and i enjoyed being one, It is as being part of a virtual family that cares, shares and loves each other. I love Deep Arts!

Than some crazy things happened and it died a "little"... People came and people go but I remained loyal till this very moment... As changes been made and as time went by, I became a Council!
As Council I became more active to Forums and chatter in Deep Arts and to the entire site!

Since 28th February I am dealing with network problems and haven't been with you all and I last logged in at 3th March from friend's PC to see what is going on. The things were just fine...or they seemed that way.

Today, It is 9th March (my Birthday), my clock says it is 2:00 AM and I, MaraXXX just find out that there were DRASTIC, HUGE, ENORMOUS changes while I was gone...
Today, on this very day in this precise moment i found out that I was promoted in a way to be your Priestess!

I must say that i don't know what truly happened but I will find out and let everyone know (in Deep Arts).

As your Priestess, I WILL DO MY BEST! I will try to maintain the family spirit in this coven and the love that the members are sharing!
I am confused...right now about this and enraged because this came in the time when i am facing network problems which means i will not be much around (for now)

I have promoted Rashnu to Coumcil because she will be of a great help to me and the coven hence she knows what she is doing and Zea remains Council too.

NOTE: Please, mail me everything you know about THIS* matter (the previous changes in the coven)
Also, If any of you is having some problems within the coven let me know and i will be your "problem solver"

Thank you all for your understanding and believe I know that some changes are difficult to swallow but believe been there done that therefore I WILL DO MY BEST for everyone to be happy and receive the knowledge that they are came for...

Re: Changes
Post # 9
Well, welcome to it all.
Good to have you on board Rashnu. ;)

As wary as I am with everything, I have my hopes up. I'll do what I can to help out as well.

Re: Changes
Post # 10
Thank you Zea, your help will be appreciated :).

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