Do what thou wilt, but ?

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Re: Do what thou wilt, but ?
Post # 11
A difficult subject on Wiccan ethics so well presented. I hope this sinks in to angeluz. As you so clearly stated, ehics have many descriptions, from different cultures and different historical eras, with generally the same message, they all aim at civilizing humanity.
In my comparison, Jesus Christ's teachings were mostly of love, compassion and, morality and, the Wiccan Rede of course is; An ye harm none, do what thy will.
They are the same difference in meaning to me;
Love, compassion, morality - An ye harm none.
In living, we all leave a carbon footprint in some form or another. Including self defense. Does one claim "conscientious objector" for not wanting to fight nor kill when the neighbor, a good christian, volunteers to fight the good fight and lays his life on the line? I mean, joining the military and doing one's duty to protect our way of life, our personal freedoms, our civil rights, our freedom of religion and yes, fight for our right to party. I personally will not go quietly into the night, without a fight. A peasant revolutionary anti-hero in old Mexico, "Emiliano Zapata" so simply yet impressively once stated; "I would rather fight and die on my feet, than to live on my knees."
There are some "conscientious objectors" that will join the Military and work in the medical professions or any combat support jobs. For those that don't know, a "consientious objector" is one who will not fight because of their principles or because their religion dictates not to kill nor maim yet, they will work in the medical profession, which means, some may be Surgeons. They will not kill someone(according to their principles) but they will cut up someone so they can hopefully repair a body to live longer.
And so it goes with food, clothing, shelter and employment. As civilized citizens, we try to live as conscientious as possible, harming as little as we possibly can(killing plants, fish, foul and animals to eat and to clothe oneself, cutting down trees for shelter, paving paradise, carbon monoxide from our autos and creating the greenhouse effect, competing for jobs, and denying someone an opportunity to earn a living by not hiring them), and making amends if we can. An actor once stated that he lived a strict vegetarian life. The interviewer then stated; then how come you're wearing a leather belt and leather shoes?
As you stated; try to choose the path that causes the least harm and accept the consequences of one's actions even though they seemed righteous and justified and lastly, try to clean up after yourself. Don't leave a mess. This good earth provides for us, let's help it out as best we can. Blessed Be.
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