Assignment 5

CovenDivine Spirits ► Assignment 5
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Assignment 5
Post # 1
Getting to know the real you.

Take a piece of paper and split it in half. On one side write Things I like About Myself, and on the other write Things I dislike about myself.

You are to include things such as appearance(weight, eyes, legs etc..), talents or things you are good at (playing an instrument, writing, spell crafting, tarot, etc), Characteristics (being caring, loving, compassionate) If you are a male and sensitive, and like a good cry, put this down on the good side. If you are female and physically strong, this perfectly fine too.

3 things to keep in mind while doing this.
1.) this is for your eyes only
2.)DO NOT incorporate things from tv (how you are supposed to act, things you "should" hate about yourself etc.. just leave all forms of media (including advertisements) out of the equation all together.Use your inner most feelings to do this and ignore societies influence.
3.) For every one thing you write on the side you dislike, you have to write a positive.

Over time you can write notes down next to these dislikes like -currently working on, getting help with, etc...
Be completely truthful, and honest with yourself. This is the beginning of learning who you really are, and will come in handy later when we start talking about searching out a Patron, or personal deity(s). If anyone would like to speak about their experience you are more than welcome to of course, but for this assignment you can just leave a comment letting me know you are working on it. This assignment should be done over a week to a months time.

My own personal experience with this. I spent over several days off an on working on this and came up with 107 things I like and only 13 things I dislike about myself. I found this rather enlightening because almost half of my dislikes are things I consciously work on, but I accept as being just another part of who I am. I found that I have a lot of deep inner strength that I tap only when I feel in odd situations, to instill courage in myself if you will, to a point where I can relax and confront what is causing me to be anxious. It's taken me many years to build up the level of self confidence and self esteem that I have now, and it surely didn't happen over night. This isn't a quick fix to character flaws, it's a way to learn to accept yourself as you are, as whole and entirely. This is the way deity accepts us and this is the way we should always try to accept ourselves.

Please enjoy the assignment.


Re: Assignment 5
Post # 2
I will start work on this tonight, I've gone through something similar to this with just my thoughts but I have never actually wrote it physically down on paper, Looking foward to seeing if I learn anything new about myself.

Love and Light.

Re: Assignment 5
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3
I will do this as well...learning about yourself is a priority when it comes to magick and life in can never know enough =)
Blessed be!

Re: Assignment 5
Post # 4
i have done this before a while back, good exercise :) be sure to try again

Re: Assignment 5
Post # 5
How's this assignment going for everyone?

Re: Assignment 5
Post # 6
I will start working on those lists as soon as I get home from work tonight. Thanks it's a great assignment

Re: Assignment 5
Post # 7
i'm starting n0w! thx sv!:D

Re: Assignment 5
Post # 8
i've done this before... and i'm still doing this up until now.... it needs a lot of hard works and meditations for me to really know myself...

its a good exercise to know your natural affinity...
a good start to control the elements....

Re: Assignment 5
Post # 9
I wouldn't say control the elements, but perhaps balance them within yourself. I personally feel that "control" over an entity other than yourself or pet (job positions excluded here, and we all know pets have a mind of their own when they wish as well), can be very inhibiting, and restrictive. This is my opinion though and I don't practice Ceremonalism to any extent (which most ceremonalists practice control over entities such as angels, demons, etc...). I actually have a dislike for that kind of thing and that includes the elements in any form. It's one thing to balance the characteristics of the elements (water- emotions, air- thought etc..) within oneself but to actually "control" an element is just silly to me, sorry if this offends anyone but it's really how I feel and what I was taught.

Re: Assignment 5
Post # 10
i understand silvervixen... each one of us here have different perspectives...

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