Tool guide Lesson 1

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Tool guide Lesson 1
Post # 1
Pendulums are a very useful tool. You can use one in various ways depending on what you need to get done. Let's start simple. A pendulum is a tool that is usually made with a metal chain and has a stone at the end of it. The stone droops down and you hold it my the opposing side.(Picture a necklace unlatched and hanging down.)When buying a pendulum one needs to pick one with a stone that appeals to the user. You normally pick the one that is meant for you so don't think too much. Personally I prefer clear/crystal quartz. The point in getting a stone that goes good with you is simply some people's energy works better with some than others. For example, onyx goes terribly with me. Now that you know what one is lets get to how and when you use one. Let's start with locating things. A pendulum, drooping down, can find lost items you just can't seem to locate. All you have to do is think of what it is you want and what general area it's in. Follow the pendulum and you'll find what you need. Note that if you are stressed or sick this may not work well. Another way to do this is to draw a map of the house or building you need to find your thing in and hold the pendulum over the map and say/think while picturing what it is you need. It will swing over the map till it is in the location of the lost item. You can do this with people, items, and even offices if you are lost. It normally doesn't work with magic-related items. I think it's because of the energy they have or the energy they give off. Above and beyond that is questioning. All you have to do is ask it to show you yes and no. Each word should have a unique swing style(in circle/back and forth) different pendulums have different styles unless you assign one. Ask simple yes and no questions and it'll reveal the answer. You can increase in the difficulty of the question as you begin to trust the tool more and more. Just a side note on questioning: I suggest you to cast a circle before you question because sometimes a spirit or entity will try to influence the answer. Lastly, you can use it to test energy flows. Hold it over an item, body part, person, or thing to test the energy. You can also use this on chakras to test if there is a blockage or simply to check-in. The faster it swings in a circle the better the flow/energy source is. If it swings back and forth that usually means there is corruption or something influencing it. If it stands still that means a blockage. You can ask your pendulum what each movement stands for when doing this but it's normally always the same. There are many uses for pendulums, I've known people to use them in an athame-type energy focusing for casting circles or just in general. The uses are almost endless and you can create some uses of your very own. I would recommend for anybody and everybody to buy and use one. If you don't want to then use a necklace(metal) that you feel close to. Remember: tools become part of their master when the two practice enough. Like lucky socks in a way. I hope this information helps. If you have any questions or comments feel free to message me or to reply here.

May the Goddess bless you.
Merry met and Blessed be. )o(

Re: Tool guide Lesson 1
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
Thanks for making this thread Byron.

When I use my Pendulum and I am asking yes or no questions what I like to do is, ask whoever your using to help you to show you which way is yes and which is no. Not everyone uses a spirit or a guide when using their Pendulum this is just how I personally choose to do it. Personally when I'm using mine and I'm asking yes or no questions I ask for the spirit to please show me which way means yes and which is no. For me yes seems to always be the Pendulum swinging in a circle and no is back and forth. I also smudge with White Sage before and after I use my Pendulum. I feel that helps keep away and outside influences that are not wanted.

Re: Tool guide Lesson 1
Post # 3
I prefer not to get spirits involved with questions. At one time I did do this but even the purest of spirits will change its answer to protect you. However I find it is a good skill when you cannot physically see/talk with spirits directly. Helps with new mediums and magick users in general. Smudging is useful before, and after, any practice just to make sure. Really nice use Sue I mean most really haven't figured out that you can use a pendulum to your advantage when it comes to spirits. All and all I think it's not a bad idea to talk to a loved one(/question) or a guide when it comes to this kinda thing.

Re: Tool guide Lesson 1
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
As for using spirits that is something I have always done and should have said I personally use. I do not want to confuse those that do not use them. I personally have ArchAngel Michael with me all the time so he does help me in many areas. This again is a personal thing for me. Not everyone will use a spirit, but a guide for those that do not is a good idea.

Re: Tool guide Lesson 1
Post # 5
An ArchAngel? How nice!

Re: Tool guide Lesson 1
By: / Novice
Post # 6
By: OccultJosh / Beginner
Mar 16, 2012 Post # 1

(delete post)
I recently ran across the basics of pendulums. Essentially they are a weight tied or connected to the bottom of a 7"-12" string/chain. (SoM's shop can give you a better idea) It is said to be a basic tool for magick that can help with finding lost objects, and connecting with a deeper part of your self to get to the best answer to a tricky situation, or just any question in general. It is very good for exercising your foundation in magick.

The pendulum, as you ask it a question, will indicate yes, or no depending on the way it swings. When you make or buy a pendulum you must 'calibrate' it first. You have to practice simply holding the top of the string, and saying, "show me a clear sign for yes." Whether the pendulum swings in a clock-wise motion, or it swings from side to side, whatever it does, it has shown you it's answer for 'yes'. You then do this for 'no' and 'needs more information' There are other techniques, but I found this to be pretty simple and easy.

After you have done this, you can get to asking questions, but you must ask in a precise format, or answers can be fuzzy. It has been said once by someone who frequently uses pendulums that you don't use the words 'should' or 'shouldn't' when asking your pendulum a question. Instead you should say what is optimal, and always stick "all things considered" in the beginning to help with more accurate answers.
Example: All things considered, is it optimal to travel tonight?

Depending which way the pendulum swung, you should know whether it is a good idea or not to go out that night. You can also use pendulums to ask simple questions like, "Is my skin blue?" You should obviously get a no from that. I have found they are relatively easy to make if you get lucky with a few items around the house.

I might be posting some more on pendulums here

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