~Healing Herbs~

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~Healing Herbs~
Post # 1
I was interested in Herbs so I was researching healing herbs and I landed one website http://www.witchway.net/herbal/herbal1.html and found this. Hopefully you enjoy this.

Also Known As: Clove Pepper, Pimento, Pimenta, Jamaican Pepper
Used For: Cooking, oil for toothache, infusion for digestive aid
Allspice is used as a digestive aid, anesthetic, and pain reliever and has been used to treat flatulence and diabetes.
Warnings: Allspice oil should never be swallowed as it can cause nausea, vomiting, and even convulsions. The oil can also be irritating when applied externally to people with sensitive skin or those with eczema.

Also Known As: Socotrine, Cape, Curaiao, Barbados, Zanzibar Aloe
Used For: Cut mature (lower) leaves for burns, scalds, sunburns, or cosmetic benefits
Aloe is one of the most widely used herbs for burns, scalds, scrapes, sunburn, and an incredible infection fighter. It can also be used to smooth and beautify skin.
Warnings: Aloe latex is a very powerful laxative and may cause severe cramps and diarrhea. It should never be ingested by pregnant women as it may cause miscarriage.

Also Known As: Aniseed, Sweet Cumin
Used For: Infusion of seeds, tinctures
It has been used as a cough remedy, digestive aid, and contains chemicals similar to estrogen, which may help with menopausal discomforts, and has been known to treat some cases of prostate cancer.
Warnings: If your doctor has advised you not to use birth control pills then you should seek the advise of a physician before using this herb because it contains estrogen.

~Balm, Lemon~
Also Known As: Bee Balm, Balm, Sweet Balm, Melissa, Cure-all
Used For: Leaves in bath, compress for wounds, infusion, tincture
You can use it to treat wounds, herpes, viral infections, and has been used as a digestive aid, and a tranquilizer. It can also be used to treat menstrual cramps or to promote menstruation.
Warnings: Anyone with a thyroid condition should avoid using this herb because it contains a thyroid-stimulating hormone, thyrotropin.

Also Known As: Sweet Basil, St. Josephwort
Used For: Tincture or infusion for acne and general infection fighting
It as been used to treat intestinal parasites, acne, and stimulates the immune system.
Warnings: Tests have shown that basil may contain a chemical that has caused liver tumors in mice, although the cancer risks remain unclear and not even the most conservative herb critics advise caution when using it.

Also Known As: Sweet Bay, Green Bay, Laurel, Grecian or Roman Laurel
Used For: Fresh leaves for wounds, infusion, tincture
Bay is not only used as a bug repellent, but has been known to soothe sore joints, treat infections, and when added to a bath may help with relaxation.
Warnings: External uses of bay should be avoided if you have sensitive skin as it may cause a rash.

Also Known As: Carum
Used For: Seeds in food, oil, infusion of seeds, tincture
Two chemicals in caraway seeds have been known to soothe the digestive tract and to help expel gas. It may also be used for relief of menstrual cramps due to the fact that caraway might relax the uterus.
Warnings: None

Also Known As: Catnep, Catswort, Catmint, Field Balm
Used For: Infusion of flowers and leaves (for you not your cat!)
When used in teas, it is considered a cold and cough remedy because it relieves chest congestion and loosens phlegm. Catnip has long been used as a sedative, tranquilizer, digestive aid, menstruation promoter, and treatment for menstrual cramps, flatulence, and infant colic.
Warnings: Some people may experience upset stomach but Catnip is considered nontoxic.

Also Known As: Camomile, Anthemis, Matricaria, Ground Apple
Used For: Infusion or tincture of flowers, herbal bath
This herb is a highly used cure-all, and every household should seriously consider having it around. It has been used externally to treat wounds and inflammations, and internally for indigestion and ulcers. Chamomile is also used to relieve menstrual cramps, arthritis, and is an effective sedative.
Warnings: People who have previously suffered anaphylactic reactions from ragweed should think twice about using this herb as well as its close relative yarrow. Large amounts have caused some nausea and vomiting.

Also Known As: Endive, Chickory
Used For: Excellent salad addition, infusion, tincture
It is also known as endive, or chickory. Chicory is most commonly used to reduce the bitter taste of caffeine in coffee. It aids in cleansing the urinary tract, digestion, a mild laxative and is also taken for rheumatic conditions and gout.
Warnings: None

Also Known As: Ceylon Cinnamon, Saigon Cinnamon, Cassia
Used For: Infusion of powdered herb, sprinkle cuts or scrapes for treatment
Cinnamon is used for infection prevention, pain relief, a digestive aid, and may help calm the uterus. Warnings: Do not ingest cinnamon oil!!! It can cause nausea, vomiting, and possible kidney damage. When put on the skin, the oil may cause redness and burning.

Also Known As: Caryophyllus, Clavos
Used For: Oil for toothache, infusion
It has been used for toothaches, oral hygiene, a digestive aid, and an infection fighter. It is also used to treat hernia, ringworm, and athlete's foot.
Warnings: Children under the age of 2 should never be given clove for medicinal purposes. The oil may cause stomach upset when swallowed, and used externally may cause rash.

Also Known As: Cilantro, Chinese Parsley
Used For: Infusion of seeds, sprinkle on cuts and scrapes
Used for indigestion, flatulence, and diarrhea, and externally for muscles and joint pains.
Warnings: If Coriander causes minor discomforts, such as stomach upsets or diarrhea, use less or stop using it.

Also Known As: N/A
Used For: Juice, juice, juice!
Used for urinary tract infections (UTI), incontinence, high Vitamin C content
Warnings: None

Also Known As: Wild Endive, Lion's Tooth, Piss-in-bed
Used For: #1 recommended salad addition, leaf infusion, root decoction, tincture, add to bath for prevention of yeast infection
Used for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Weight Loss, High Blood Pressure, Congestive Heart Failure, Cancer Prevention, Yeast Infection, Digestive Aid
Eat fresh leaves in a salad (they are quite tasty). Chinese doctors have prescribed Dandelion for thousands of years to treat colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, ulcers, hepatitis, obesity, dental problems, itching and internal injuries. Quite simply a 'super' herb.
Warnings: May cause skin rash in sensitive cases. If Dandelion causes stomach upset or diarrhea, use less or stop using it.

Also Known As: N/A
Used For: Chew seed for fresh breath, infusion or tincture, add to bath to for prevention of urinary tract infections
In addition to its preservative action, Dill is an infection fighter and soothing digestive aid. Used for stomach problems, flatulence, urinary tract infection (UTI)
Warnings: May cause skin rash in sensitive individuals.

Also Known As: Coneflower, Purple Coneflower
Used For: Tincture or decoction of the ROOTS
The best kept secret of the west. This is our A#1 recommended herb due to its high immune system boost. Echinacea kills a wide variety of disease causing viruses and bacteria, it fights infection and strengthens tissues. It may prevent infection by seriously boosting ones immune system. It is known to help the body in fighting off colds and flu. It is a treatment for yeast infections and actually can reduce the future onset of. It helps preserve white blood cells, is a confirmed wound healer as it prevents germs from penetrating tissues, and may have anti-arthritic properties. It is simply the most productive herb off all time.
Warnings: Often causes one's tongue to tingle, this is not harmful.

Also Known As: Gum Tree, Blue Gum, Australian Fever Tree
Used For: Boil leaves as an inhalant, oil on cuts and scrapes, infusion from leaves NOT OIL, add leaves to bath
Eucalyptol is the chemical that gives Eucalyptus its healing properties. It loosens phlegm, kills influenza, and may help bacterial bronchitis. An effective treatment for minor cuts and scrapes and it even repels cockroaches!
Warnings: Do NOT ingest Eucalyptus oil, it is highly poisonous. Fatalities have been reported from ingestion of as little as a teaspoon. KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN!

Also Known As: Finocchio, Carosella, Florence Fennel
Used For: Chew seeds for a digestive aid, infusion, tincture
Fennel relaxes the smooth muscle lining of the digestive tract and also helps expel gas. Used in Germany for infant colic. Traditionally used to stimulate the uterus into menstruation. This herb may also help fight prostate cancer.
Warnings: Since Fennel has a mild estrogenic effect, do not use if you are currently taking birth control pills, have a history of abnormal blood clotting, or estrogen dependent breast tumors. Do NOT ingest Fennel Oil, seeds are fine but the oil may cause nausea, vomiting, and possibly seizures.

Also Known As: Ferbrifuge Plant, Wild Quinine, Bachelor's Button
Used For: Chew leaves for migraine control, premade pills and tablets also work well for headaches, infusion, tincture
Got a headache, maybe a chronic migraine? Feverfew may well be your answer. Seventy percent of patients in scientific studies show a significant improvement in their migraine headaches even when standard medical treatment showed no results. Also traditionally used for gynecological purposes. This herb may reduce high blood pressure, and is a great digestive aid after meals.
Warnings: May cause sores inside the mouth, do not take if you have a clotting disorder. Remember that Feverfew does not CURE migraines, it suppresses them.

Also Known As: Stinking Rose, Heal-all, Poor Man's Treacle
Used For: Use cloves in cooking, crush and encapsulate or use premade tablets, infusion, tincture
Garlic is the worlds second oldest medicine, and is the traditional 'WONDER DRUG'. Many people don't realize that onion has almost as much medicinal value as garlic does. Battle wounds in WWI were treated with garlic juice. Recommended for colds, coughs, flu, fever, bronchitis, ringworm, intestinal worms, elevated cholesterol, and general internal organ problems. No standard medication can match Garlic on the cardiovascular scale. Garlic DEFINITELY reduces blood pressure, cholesterol, and reduces internal clots which can lead to heart attacks and stroke. Garlic reduces blood sugar and therefore helps diabetes sufferers. It may help eliminate lead and heavy metals in the bloodstream, has helped leprosy patients, fights cancer, helps AIDS patients...nuff sed, USE IT!
Warnings: Allergy sufferers may develop a rash from touching or eating the herb. If this is the case, discontinue. If you have a clotting disorder, consult a physician before using Garlic.

Also Known As: Asian, African, American Ginger
Used For: Cooking, capsules for motion sickness; tea, infusion, or ginger-ale for digestive aid.
This herb helps with motion and morning sickness. It is a very good digestive aid, may ease menstrual cramps, helps arthritis, is traditionally used in the orient for colds and flu, and is excellent for reducing cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, and preventing internal blood clots (a.k.a heart attacks)
Warnings: Large doses MIGHT cause a miscarriage although there are no scientific reports backing this up.

Also Known As: Maidenhair Tree
Used For: Leaves brewed as tea, infusion
The Earth's oldest tree, it's a given that this herb helps the elderly the most. Ginkgo increases blood flow to the brain which can prevent strokes and heart attacks, improve memory, help impotence and chronic dizziness. It is also known to help with macular degeneration (blindness), circulation, asthma, tinnitus, and deafness. A fine example of the need to preserve the Earth's natural resources.
Warnings: Do not use if you have a clotting disorder, do not take in very large amounts as diarrhea, vomiting, and irritability can occur.

Also Known As: Root of Immortality, Man Root, Life Root, Seng Seng
Used For: It is very important to use mature roots (over 6 years old). Use root powder teas, capsules or tablets. You can also make a decoction from dried pulverized root.
This herb helps the bodies resistance, boosts the immune system, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood sugars, reduces heart attacks, protects the liver, helps the appetite, and helps cancer patients with radiation therapy.
Warnings: Rare cases of insomnia, allergy symptoms, breast soreness. Do not use if you have high blood pressure, fever, asthma, emphysema, or cardiac arrhythmia.
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Also Known As: Marrubium, Hoarhound, White Horehound
Used For: Flowers and leaves in infusion or tincture for cough remedy
A popular herbal cough remedy and expectorant for almost 2,000 years, Horehound is good for minor respiratory problems, coughs, colds, and bronchitis
Warnings: Those with heart disease should not use this herb

Also Known As: N/A
Used For: Flowers and leaves as a compress for cold sores and genital herpes, infusion, tincture
Hyssop inhibits the growth of herpes simplex virus. Scientists agree it is a 'reasonably effective' treatment for cough and irritation of colds and flu.
Warnings: DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT..... PERIOD! Again always positively identify the herbs you use. H. Officinalis is the correct herb, it's name sharing cousins (G. Officinalis, genus' Agastache and Bacopa) should not be ingested.

Also Known As: Geneva, Genvrier
Used For: Infusion of berries for arthritis or female regularity
The source of gin, this herb also increases urine production (a diuretic) - making it a treatment for PMS, high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. Recommended for arthritis.
Warnings: Long term use can cause kidney damage. If you have a kidney infection or kidney problems you should not use this herb. One-third of hay fever sufferers develop allergy symptoms from exposure to Juniper.

Also Known As: Fucus, Seawrack, Cutweed, Bladderwrack, Wakame, Hijiki, Kombu, Arame
Used For: Take tablets (herb is unpleasant), infusion
A natural source of iodine, now known as a radiation protector, protection from heavy metals, reducer of heart disease, and an infection fighter.
Warnings: None

Also Known As: English Lavender
Used For: Flowers in bath, general aromatherapy
The all time fragrant herb, Lavender makes a great bath addition. The Greeks and Romans bathed in lavender scented water and it was from the Latin word, lavo (to wash) that the herb took its name. While not technically a medicinal herb, the calming properties of its aroma are well founded. Warnings: None

Also Known As: Weed, Cannabis, Pot, Dope
Used For: Smoked (dried), added to salads(fresh)
The much debated and scolded Cannabis, Marijuana has shown positive effects on cancer, AIDS, and glaucoma. So effective on AIDS patients from its ability to increase a person's appetite as well as releiving nausea allowing a patient to regain weight. Marijuana reportedly helps glaucoma patients by reducing occular pressure which can cause damage to the eye. It is the most effective treatment for chronic nausea. It is not physically addictive.
Warnings: Coughing, asthma, upper respiratory problems, difficulty with short term memory loss, racing heart, agitation, confusion, paranoia, possible psychological dependence

Also Known As: Oregano(many palates cannot tell the difference!), Knotted Marjoram
Used For: Sprinkle dried powdered herb on cold sores or genital herpes, infusion or tincture for its stomach soothing potential
An excellent digestive aid and herpes fighter, this one of the most confused herbs on the planet. The Oregano on your spice rack might be Marjoram! All Marjoram species are called Oregano but only a few of the fifty are ever called Marjoram.
Warnings: None

Also Known As: Numerous kinds of mint
Used For: Peppermint oil for wounds, burns etc., infusion of any dried mint for decongestant, tincture
The after dinner mint soothes the stomach. Peppermint produces Menthol. Menthol is a key anesthetic (e.g. Ben-Gay), the vapors are an incredible decongestant (e.g. Vick's VapoRub), is germicidal, and helps morning sickness a great deal. Those wishing to alleviate morning sickness should use only dilute tea concentrations for reasons shown below. Peppermint is a hybrid of Spearmint and is the more potent due to the high menthol factor. Spearmint contains Carvone in comparison to Menthol. While not nearly as effective, Spearmint is much safer.
Warnings: On rare occasions the fragrance of mint oil has caused gagging in children. Pure Menthol, ingested, is POISONOUS. A teaspoon can be FATAL. DO NOT ingest Peppermint oil or Menthol.

Also Known As: Lignum Crucis, Herbe de la Croix, Viscum
Used For: Leaves in DILUTED infusion, tincture for high blood pressure
Mistletoe, the kissing plant, has the ability to slow the pulse, lower blood pressure and stimulate gastrointestinal and uterine contractions.
Warnings: Should be administered only by a qualified herbal/medicinal doctor. TWO BERRIES CAN KILL A CHILD. Keep away from children. This herb is highly toxic. Pregnant women should not use it. This herb is known (unfortunately) for its abortion inducing properties.
The dose needed to induce abortion is enough to kill you.

Also Known As: Balsamodendron
Used For: Steep powdered herb for mouthwash, infusion, tincture
Myrrh makes an excellent mouthwash, toothpaste, and fights bacteria
Warning: Large amounts may have violent laxative action

Also Known As: Stinging Nettle, Common Nettle, Greater Nettle
Used For: Process plant matter in juicer, infusion, tincture
An effective cure for gout, Nettle is also good for the symptoms of hay fever, scurvy, PMS, and helps heart patients.
Warnings: When I was a child, I must have fallen into Nettle a hundred times. USE THICK GLOVES. If you doubt the cruelty of natures own protections just touch one of these plants. Large doses of Nettle tea may cause stomach irritation.

Also Known As: Rock Selinon
Used For: A few sprigs for fresh breath, infusion of leaves and seeds, tincture
The seeds and the leaves of this plant contain the oil that is known to curb high blood pressure, help with fever, freshen breath, help with allergies and help heart patients.
Warnings: Do not use to promote weight loss

~Pepper, Red~
Also Known As: Hot pepper, most of the pepper family including bell pepper
Used For: Cooking, infusion
It is a good digestive aid, can relieve infectious diarrhea (and can bring on noninfectious diarrhea if too many hot peppers are ingested), helps chronic pain when used externally, is the best shingles reliever, helps headaches, and tastes great!
Warnings: Can burn the eyes, mouth and skin

Also Known As: Rosemarine, Incensier
Used For: Cooking, excellent tea, infusion, tincture
In ancient times people wrapped their meat with Rosemary to prevent spoilage. Rosemary is a natural preservative. Rosemary can prevent food poisoning, is a digestive aid, is a good decongestant and can kill bacteria. If you enjoy using Rosemary in your cooking, use more.
Warnings: Do not ingest Rosemary oil, in large amounts, poisoning can occur

Also Known As: Spanish Saffron
Used For: 12 to 15 stigmas per cup of boiling water
Since it takes 75,000 flowers to make one pound of Saffron, this herb is very expensive. Heart attack patients may actually save money using this as it is much cheaper than some clot dissolving drugs injected to treat heart attack. It can help to control some risk factors for heart disease. It also reduces cholesterol, de-clogs the arteries, and lowers blood pressure.
Warnings: Unless you are pregnant, just the high cost

Also Known As: All types of Sage
Used For: Crushed fresh leaves for cuts and wounds, infusion of dried leaves, tincture
Sage is the premiere anti-perspirant, cutting perspiration by up to 50 percent. It is a great fighter against infection, a good preservative, a digestive aid, can reduce blood sugar and helps a sore throat! And its flavor in meats and sausage is unrivaled.
Warnings: Rare cases of inflammation of the lips and lining of the mouth. Sage oil should not be ingested.

Also Known As: White Thyme, Bean Herb
A great culinary herb, Savory has great soothing properties for children, it is a great expectorant and digestive aid and is subtle enough for use with children.
Used For: Infusion of leaves for childhood colds
Warnings: None

Also Known As: Quaker Bonnet, Mad Dog Weed, Hoodwort, Helmet Flower
Used For: Use leaf infusion for tranquilizing effects
European medical experts now accept skullcap's potential usefulness as a tranquilizer and sedative, and it is used in many commercial sleep preparations that are widely available in Europe.
Warnings: Large doses may result in confusion, giddiness, twitching, and possible convulsions

Also Known As: Dragon Herb, Estragon, French or Russian Tarragon
Used For: chew fresh leaves for toothache, apply fresh leaves to cuts and wounds, infusion of leaves, tincture
A wonderful treatment for toothache, Tarragon is a great anesthetic and prevents infections.
Warnings: Those with history of Cancer should not use this herb

Also Known As: Mother of Thyme, Common or Garden Thyme, Wild, Creeping or Mother Thyme
Used For: Fresh leaves for cuts and wounds, tincture for antiseptic, infusion of leaves for the stomach, cough or menstrual symptoms.
As well as a culinary delight, Thyme fights several disease causing bacteria and viruses. It is a good digestive aid, helps menstrual cramps and is a great cough remedy. Germany uses it today to treat whoop, whooping cough and emphysema.
Warnings: Do not ingest Thyme oil, it can lead to headache, nausea, vomiting, weakness, thyroid impairment, and heart and respiratory depression.

Also Known As: Phu, Heal-all, Garden Valerian
Used For: Infusion of root for sedative properties, tincture
The quite smelly and pungent Valerian is a powerful sedative that was even listed as a tranquilizer in the National Formulary until 1950. A great replacement for users of valium, Valerian can also reduce high blood pressure.
Warnings: Large doses may cause headache, giddiness, blurred vision, restlessness, nausea, and morning grogginess.

Also Known As: Indian Hyssop, Blue Vervain, Verbena, Enchanter's Herb
Used For: Infusion of leaves for headache and arthritis, tincture
Vervain is a great substitute for aspirin as it has similar effects. Vervain outside of being a very mild laxative is mainly used for mild pain relief.
Warnings: Anyone with a history of heart problems should not use this herb

~Witch Hazel~
Also Known As: Hamamelis, Snapping Hazelnut, Winterbloom
Used For: Astringent decoction of leaves and twigs, astringent gargle
A primary astringent in the herbal world, Witch Hazel has antiseptic, anesthetic, astringent, and anti-inflammatory properties. The clear, pungent extract is a standard for cuts, bruises, hemorrhoids, and sore muscles. It is one of this nation's most widely used healing herbs. It is much better to find fresh Witch Hazel than rely on commercial products containing it.
Warnings: May be used externally on anyone but dilute for children.

Also Known As: Bloodwort, Nose Bleed, Thousand Weed, Milfoil, Soldier's Woundwort
Used For: Use fresh leaves and flowers for cuts and scrapes, infusion for calming and menstrual easing effects, tincture
An excellent wound treatment, Yarrow has many healing properties, is a good digestive aid, helps menstrual cramps, and is a mild sedative.
Warnings: Large doses may turn urine brown. This is not harmful.

Re: ~Healing Herbs~
Post # 2
This is a really good list of herbs and their uses :D I also like the fact that it takes the responsibility of giving warnings.

Re: ~Healing Herbs~
Post # 3
Thankyou Dark, a wonderful list that I will add to my folders :D

Re: ~Healing Herbs~
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
Very nice thread Darken :-)

This will be very helpful to all of us. Thanks you for taking the time to research these and sharing them.

Re: ~Healing Herbs~
Post # 5
Thank you very much...I've been trying to find reliable sources for herbs and their uses. I've been trying to create my own book of herbs, with both their magickal and medicinal purposes.

Re: ~Healing Herbs~
By: / Beginner
Post # 6

i absolutely adore this post. well searched this post is.

Re: ~Healing Herbs~
Post # 7
LOVE this! I'll be sure to come back to this when i need to looks at something. Most likely going to add this to my shadow journal. Thank you ma'am!! :)

Re: ~Healing Herbs~
Post # 8
If you really love herbs and have a little money to spend cunningham's encyclopedia of magical herbs is amazing. It is good 300+ pages of herbs and there uses and properties. It also tells you the cautions of each herb like whether it can be ingested or not. It even lists if it is safe to consume when nursing or pregnant.

Re: ~Healing Herbs~
Post # 9
do you know how reliable this site is? the witchway one?

Re: ~Healing Herbs~
Post # 10

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