Inactive covens

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Re: Inactive covens
Post # 21
I had actually sent petrarca a message about this concerning the twisted nether, for i felt it followed my path and i would be more than happy to lead it.
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Re: Inactive covens
Post # 22
i have 7 years experience in doing magick and 9 learning. i am good at energy workings, elemental magick, mind magick and other types of magick.
i want to become the priest of council of knowledge and make it an active coven again.NoMatterWho and i started a website to act as the coven for now and hopefully i will be able to lead council of knowledge.
here is a link to the site.
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Re: Inactive covens
Post # 23
Maybe my viewpoint is off due to my age or perhaps because i've served as an HP offline, but there's far more to this issue than inactive leaders.

Being online, there is little to no control over coven membership, and the coveners tend to come in, take what they want, and leave. Most are unwilling, or unable do to lack of knowledge, to participate in many things a coven can do.

Posting requirements aren't met, coven chat lessons aren't attended, and so on...the current solutions are ignore the inactivity of the members or delete them. This leads to animosity and seems to go directly against the accepted practice (at least here on SoM) of quantity over quality in the covens.

Rather than ranting on this thread endlessly, why don't the posting people offer lessons in their respective covens, demonstrate their knowledge in the forums (public, too), and participate in intelligent magick discussions in pub chat when their coven is empty?

Remember "do what thou wilt"? Quit whining, start working.
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Re: Inactive covens
Post # 24
As always you give a strong position behind your concerns Stone, though it's a strain to see your opinion on this particular matter.
lol Are you for or against people volunteering to take up leader positions in completely dead covens?

One thing I've noticed is that in these covens with inactive leaders, very rarely do you find active members even on to get up and do something for their coven.

This thread provides a type of reassurance to those who have issues accepting perfectly good covens weighing the site down.
I'm one of them.

I remember an old friend once told me something I hated to admit to myself, ''a coven is only as strong as it's weakest member''.
Perhaps fixing these dead covens instead of just letting them die and delete them when they could be put to great use, is a thought some find comforting.
As off as it is, this thread's purpose has been changed for a reason.

And no worries fellow members, this is a matter the site recognizes, it's not off-the-bat news that we have inactive covens. The mods are members too, we notice things.

Anytime of all times when sleep isn't a factor,
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Re: Inactive covens
Post # 25
Snow, my opinion is that the eagerness to assume the mantle of leadership should be way down the list of members concerns..doing what one can to 'create' activity should be the priority.
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Re: Inactive covens
Post # 26
As aggreable as your opinion is, this is still something I'd like to take into account.
Hopefully we won't have any issues with power-hunger.
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Re: Inactive covens
Post # 27
stone i agree with u that some ppl come to take leadership out of nowhere and expect to get the position. but there r those who have been wanting the position and have been working to gain it. since pet has made it impossible to start a new coven we often try to become priest/priestess of inactive covens that have thesame main objective as the one we wanted to create. so we try to make the cove active again and in the whole it does more good to the website than bad.well thats my opinion on the matter.

love and light to all.
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Re: Inactive covens
Post # 28
Hello, I am in the Council of the Higher Magicks coven, and it has come to my attention that my Priestess and Priest's profiles have been deleted without any warning. I do not know what to do now and would appreciate some help and information as to what will come of my coven.

Thank you,
Raven Rose
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Re: Inactive covens
Post # 29
I fully agree with Stone's opinion. Which was based on the complaint of inactive P/P. Fact remains as Moderators it isn't our job to go from Coven to Coven asking "Excuse me do you feel that your P/P needs replaced?" Whether the P/P is active or not, the members themselves can still be active. If it is a Coven whereas the members have to be accepted in, I could see a problem there. But that doesn't hinder the members themselves from being active.

The biggest problem currently at hand are Covens missing P/P, I think getting those slots filled so that those Covens can even exist as such should be priority.
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Re: Inactive covens
Post # 30
Is there a way to get a new Priest or Priestess for my coven?
It's Acquaintance with Darkness, and the council doesn't seem to be getting on for anything.
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