My Powers and Magick

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My Powers and Magick
Post # 1
I guys I was wondering if anyone was a spell to prove that magick is real. I have been doing magick for like 3 years now but my spells don't seem to work so my faith is growing thin so I need some proof
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Re: My Powers and Magick
Post # 2
I found a spell for that on ttp:// Here it is:
1. Wait for a full moon
2. Light 3 white candles, placed in a triangle.
3. Focus, concentrate, make sure your mind is clear of everything else. Breathe deeply. Draw power in with your breath, through the soles of your feet.
4. When you are ready, speak the spell. Say it with your voice and say it in your mind at the same time.

I call on the Powers That Be
I command: Reveal thee to me.
3 days, 3 signs, show them to me
This is my will, so mote it be.

5. Blow out the candles and put them away.

Within 3 days, you should get three signs from The Powers That Be. You will know exactly what they are when they come. Take note of what they are, write them down in your diary/Book of Shadows and think on them to discover their message for you.

If you don't get any signs, you might want to leave magic for a while and focus on personal development instead, try again in a year's time. Study some meditation techniques, improve your visualisation, work with energy, learn about spirit guides and such things.
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