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Post # 31
Elizebeth, do you post the same comment on every forum? I gotta tell you, it's word for word.
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Post # 32
what you say is true... if you join me and my clan we can change that and let the magical community rule once again
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Post # 33

Also...the magical community rules already.

Magic is in everything. ;)
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Post # 34
well on energy the sun is an exelint sors for spell casting it literly has limmitles power. un lik the moon wich is limited on the amout of sun light thet charges the moon with energy. Zin is a nuter good lemitles powere thet can be destractiv or helpfule. for if you medetate on constantly being filled with a energy sors of your chois. you will not run out of energy.
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By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 35
Forgive my skepticism, but it is difficult to fathom that a 15 year old who cannot be bothered to proof read his post or learn to spell experimental possesses vast mystical wisdom.

I will be frank with you. Such claims are almost always erroneous, and generally part of the phase that many magickal practitioners go through in which they feel that they are all-powerful and generally unstoppable; something akin to megalomania.

But, this wouldn't be the first time I was wrong. Maybe you know what you're talking about, maybe you're a reincarnated Buddhist llama. This is where I shrug.

Theoretically, telekinesis and the other various telekinesis abilities are quite viable options, but in practice all I have witnessed is that they are watered down versions of old arts, with wild claims (frequently rooted in fiction) that they are capable of much more "with enough practice." However, all sources I have been pointed to regarding the various kinesis abilities have been works of fiction. Indeed, many were fan-fiction based on a TV show. Nor have I ever witnessed anybody claiming to possess the strength of will and mind to perform these feats who was able to substantiate these claims.

If, according to theory, it just takes the same amount of energy to fly as it would to lift and move said object through the air, then it is easier to simply walk the distance. If you get physically exhausted carrying a hundred pound sack of concrete after a couple hundred feet, I'd give up on attempting to fly further. Belief is a very useful tool, but it generally just helps your mind and focus get to the point where you can gather and direct the necessary energies. That is, it's quite difficult to gather and direct energy if you don't believe that you can.

In other words, you can believe in it all you want, and if that somehow bends the laws of physics to the point where matter does not effect other matter in the same way, when I'm watching, well, I'll apologize and retract my statements.
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By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 36
...And then he realized there were four pages to the thread...
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By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 37
As you say, Awaketoolong; four pages to plough through, and it maybe that I am also wasting my time.First of all, it seems to me that today's young cannot spell, or even write reasonably good English. I think cell-phones are much to blame; texting is a form of short-hand.
Then there are all these "spells". One posting claims that nothing is impossible. I would pay good money to see somebody walk through a brick wall; or fly; or move objects by the mind; or levitate; or change into something other than human.
So I would like to put in my two-pence=worth to this spells business.
There is nothing supernatural about magic. I've used divining rods for years, and almost always somebody will say it is magic.It isn't; anybody can do it. But it is certainly magic the first time you see it! As for "willing things to happen". Yes, you can, but only to your own physical body. Just as you can "think" yourself to be ill; you can "think" to be well. Many young people on this site seem to be "having fun" with the Craft.
Well,if so, they are making the sacred profane. But as the Man himself once said "Forgive them, for they know not what they do."
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want to know
Post # 38
i would like to know what you know
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want to know
Post # 39
i would like to know what you know
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