Chamomile for the Skin

CovenDivine Spirits ► Chamomile for the Skin
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Chamomile for the Skin
Post # 1
When I was younger I used to have a problem with acne. I tried several skin creams and nothing seemed to help. Then I decided to go the herbal route. I did some reading and discovered that chamomile was said to be good for the skin.

I placed some hot chamomile tea in a bowl and placed my face slightly above it. I then put a towel over my head and the bowl to form a tent of sorts. After I did this for several minutes I patted my face with the towel and allowed the tea to cool. Once it did I used it as a toner.

After a week or so, I started to see a improvement in the appearance of my skin. I now use the same techniques to this day, and I must say that my skin looks quite good.

This may not work for everyone, and some may have a reaction to it. I would suggest you test a small amount of the tea on your arm first before you use it as a facial toner.

I do hope that this bit of information is as helpful to others as it has been to be.

Re: Chamomile for the Ski
Post # 2
thx for the post..especially since i have huge acnes on my nose...but i didn't get the part about 'used as a toner'...what does this mean???i'm willing to give it a you know a remedy for clogged pores??thx

Re: Chamomile for the Skin
Post # 3
What I mean by toner is to let the tea cool and then dab it on your face with a cotton ball. You know like you would with a regular acne toner. It is supposed to tighten your pores and help get rid of bacteria that causes acne and any acne that is present.

I would suggest an oatmeal face-mask for your pores. Mix it with a little hot water or a little hot chamomile tea and spread a thin layer of it over your face. Leave it on until it hardens and then remove it with warm water. This should help a good bit. Again as with the chamomile tea test it on a small area of your skin before you put it on all of your face just to make sure you wont have an allergic reaction to it. I doubt you will but it's always good to make sure.

If you have any other questions feel free to leave them here and I'll happily reply as quickly as I can. :)

Re: Chamomile for the Ski
Post # 4
Chamomile is good for blonde hair as well :] . It brings out the natural vibrancy and colour of blonde hair.

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