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Post # 1
I was wondering if there were any spells to keep someone from leaving the country. My boyfriend is thinking of going to the netherlands for 4 months and would be leaving next week. obviously I dont want him to go, and he has job oppertunities here, so its not like it would be harming his ability to make money. also I was wondering if there was anyway I could have his mom realise that im not satan or anything and that im not going to ruin he son. she has told him to break up with me, and now has no idea that him and i have been togther for the past year, and I would like to mak it easyer for him to tell her and for her to not disown him. if any one has any suggestions they would be very welcome.
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Re: help?
Post # 2
sounds like you dont really need to use magic just talk, or i spose you could try a confidence spell on him, and cant you go with him?
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Re: help?
Post # 3
or u could do some voodoo on him and his mother


I agree just talk to him
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Re: help?
Post # 4
lmao, a good dose of voodoo
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