making sense!!

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making sense!!
Post # 1
This info is making me a lot of senses now!
The illuminati had place a lot of their symbols even the egypt had done before.Look at this!The 2007....BIG concert had symbols of illuminati and the people there were used as rituals!
more of all is that the Paris main attraction,the Eiffel tower is also another illuminati!And notice that the sign Bush made thumb inside the palm and raise the pinky and index finger!Its a sign of the devil!

The Freemasonry also help the illuminati to gain control of us.
that means that the Illuminati are the Freemasonry`s on-going soldier.And i could see THAT each badges of what officers wear(police) show signs of the illuminati!
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Re: making sense!!
Post # 2
Can you explain more about -Iluminati- i heard that somewhere.
Are they a group of somethink. Please tell
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Re: making sense!!
Post # 3
they are a cult who tried to get satan control this world.or wnat to make the world under their care.
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