Native American Magick

CovenBaron La Croix ► Native American Magick
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Native American Magick
Post # 1
~~a brief touch on the subject~~

"When we die...the energy's going to change. But it's going to go on 'cos it's the Life Force. We came from's in the shell, but the shell is not me. The shell doesn't define me, it just holds me together for now." ~~Apache Shaman Ernesto Alvarado

The aim of Native American Magick is to attune oneself to the Great Spirit and to keep that relationship alive. To the Native Americans, nature is alive with meaning, symbolism and the powers of communication. There is no real difference between animate (birds, animals) and the inanimate (rocks, trees, hills). The Great Spirit is in ALL of creation.
Totems are a kind of guardian from which the Native Americans would receive instruction. They are helpers whos strength and protection offer support in times of trial. The word totem comes from the tribal language of the Algonquian-Ojibwa people from around the Gret Lakes area. Specific animal totems can symbolize actual birth influences. Listed are the twelve individual birth totems, a kind of Native American zodiac, where similarities do occur to that of Western zodiac.

The Falcon: March 21- April 19 / Element clan totem: Hawk (Fire)
The Beaver: April 29- May 20/ Element clan totem :Turtle (Earth)
The Deer: May 21- June 20/ Element clan totem: Butterfly (Air)
The Wolf: June 21- July 21/ Element clan totem: Frog (Water)
The Salmon: July 22- August 21/ Element clan totem: Hawk (Fire)
The Brown Bear: August 22- September 21/ Element clan totem:
Turtel (Earth)
The Owl: September 22- October22/ Element clan totem: Butterfly
The Rattlesnake: October 23- November 22/ Element clan totem:
Frog (Water)
The Hare: November 23- December 21/ Element clan totem: Hawk
The Goose: December 22- January 19/ Element clan totem: Turtle
The Raven: January 20- February 18/ Element clan totem:
Butterfly (Air)
The Spider: February 19- March 20/ Element clan totem:
Frog (Water)

To find out the descriptions of these, I suggest a book from the essentials series titled Native American Magic by James Lynne Page. (which is where this is taken from)

Re: Native American Magick
Post # 2
wow thanks for tat lizzie tat was realy interesting and helpful to me but wats the cap in dates about between the beaver nd the falcon

Re: Native American Magick
Post # 3
YAY I am a beaver

Re: Native American Magick
Post # 4
I'm a deer....

ok, life, each has the animal totem, followed by the clan totem and the associated element.

Re: Native American Magick
Post # 5
im a beaver 2 tanky
just barely

Re: Native American Magick
Post # 6
oops...was a typo... sorry The Beaver: April 20 - May 20
i'll see if i can fix it

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