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Re: Jediism
Post # 11
Intresting info. I personal like theor mind tricks
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Re: Jediism
Post # 12
"1) Feel, don't think. Follow your instincts.
Thinking is one of man's most powerful gifts. Why waste it?"

When thinking over-rules instincts and common-sense then the 'gift' is abused and the mind is wasted anyways. At least that's my belief.

") Everyone can feel the Energy flowing around them. Focus on it, accept it's presence, and try to make realizing it a second nature for yourself


No, life energy. Energy makes up all matter on this Plane and, as far as I know, many other Planes as well. Becoming attune to the flow of that energy is what this is mentioning and Auras are a part of that.

"4) A clear mind is a powerful mind. Rid yourself of anger, frustration, and think with your mind rather then your heart.

How are you supposed to cast black magick with no anger?"

I think an act bred from anger is an act of foolishness, lacking in wisdom and careful consideration. If you cast 'black'(to my knowledge magick had no color) magick out of anger then perhaps you don't really need to be casting magick at all.

Nice post, Rag. I'm glad you brought this to my attention.
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Re: Jediism
Post # 13
this is the kind of thing i was looking for
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Re: Jediism
Post # 14
interesting, very much words to live by..

Though now I cannot help but wonder..

Sithism? is that out there too?
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Re: Jediism
Post # 15
i think it does exist.
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Re: Jediism
Post # 16
Sithism, if you take it as the meaning of Sith, would mean following the Dark Side. In Jediism the Dark Side is described not as being an evil person using all the powers of the world without responsibility, but rather as a person who lacks morals, maturity, chivalry, respect, kindness, compassion, etc.

I can imagine an ad for the Dark Side sounding something like:
"If you want to be the scum of society then Sithism is the Religion for you! Call us now at 555-Sith-Scum to learn how to be a really immature person today!"
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Re: Jediism
Post # 17
Explaining what I said in a bit more depth-

"1) Feel, don't think. Follow your instincts."
Sometimes your mind can deceive you, what you may THINK is true may not be. By thinking things through to seriously we may lose sight of reality. Reality is, after all, only what we perceive it to be. So when your instincts kick in don't ignore them for the sake of logic, but listen to them. Feel, don't think. Follow your instincts.

"2) Do not dwell on the past nor worry about the future, rather you should focus on the present."
Have you ever watched little children play? They are so peaceful and innocent. Part of the reason is that, even though they may cry immediately after a mistake, the know to let go. The games they play won't change due to something that happened a week ago and so there is no point in worrying about it. It is the same with us older people, dwelling on the past will not change what happened. Children also don't tend to worry about the future. They consider that a job for the 'adults', but we shouldn't worry either. Worrying about things will not change the inevitable, nor will it help you change them if you choose to try. Just let life takes it's course and enjoy the here and the now. Do not dwell in the past nor worry about the future, rather you should focus on the present.

"3) Everyone can feel the Energy flowing around them. Focus on it, accept it's presence, and try to make realizing it a second nature for yourself."
The Energy flowing around you is the Energy that makes up all things, both living and non-living. Becoming attuned to the flow of this Energy is to become attuned to reality, nature, your environment. It is also a vital part of kinesis and Energy Manipulation in general. So you should focus on it, accept the fact that it is real, and make realizing it's existence something to practice every second of the day.

"4) A clear mind is a powerful mind. Rid yourself of anger, frustration, and think with your mind rather then your heart."
If you let anger and frustration motivate your actions then you become the puppet of emotions. You should practice self control and realize that acting out of anger and frustration can push people away, ruin relationships, and will only cause more anger and frustration. Clearing your mind, ridding yourself of anger and frustration, and thinking with your brain rather then your emotions will help you become a more respectable member of society.

"5) Patience is a virtue. The more patient you are, the wiser you may become."
When people become impatient they tend to become restless. Eventually that restlessness may lead to irritation, that irritation to aggravation, aggravation to anger, and with anger comes negativity. When you allow your thoughts to be clouded with negativity you become less aware of the real world around you and if you are less aware then you learn less. If you learn less then you will lack in wisdom, so the more patient you are the wiser you may become.

"6) By saving someone you may save yourself. Consider the guilt you may feel if your lack of compassion caused the death of another, and if you can save the less fortunate then do so."
The death of another doesn't necessarily have to be only the death of their body. If you chose not to help someone and that was the death of his/her education; you just added another ignorant person to society. If you chose not to help someone who was struggling with a Religion you both shared and that was the death of their Spirituality; you just added another lost soul to society. Helping these people is an act of compassion and even if you can't help them personally, it doesn't take much to point them toward someone who can.

"7) Anger, fear, aggression, hate, all are natural Human emotions, but are also negative feelings that can lead to suffering. Learning to block them out or to deal with them properly will bring many benefits in various ways."
It has been proven that anger kills White Blood Cells and that means your immune system is weakened. If you give in to anger then you make yourself more likely to get sick, this of course shortens your life span. Fear causes panic and when people panic they make mistakes, this is, of course, not a good thing. Feeling aggressive is to feel violent, this could lead to harming others physically, verbally, emotionally, or all of the above, and by doing that you may ruin your relationship with that individual. Hate is just an all-around negative feeling. There is a difference between dislike and hate, it is ok to dislike someone, but hating them could lead to more suffering then is necessary.

"8) Physical fitness can actually lead to better Energy Manipulation. Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, the Martial Arts, jogging, swimming, biking, etc. All are excellent ways to both stay fit and relax."
This is scientifically proven, actually. People who are more in shape have more energy and are often more attuned to the natural world around them. This means being better at Energy Manipulation, various forms of kinesis, being fit leads to longer life-span, more happiness. It's just an all around good thing even if you don't care about Energy.

"9) There are no accidents, no mistakes, everything happens for a reason."
This is a reference to Fate/Destiny. You can not escape your Destiny so it is better to just accept the way things are and try to make the best of everything that happens, but this doesn't mean you should sit on the couch and let the world slip by. We do have some measure of control when it comes to Fate, what is meant to be will be, but how it will be is for us to decide. There are no accidents, no mistakes, everything happens for a reason, but we do have the power to decide when and where some of these things will come to pass.

"10) Learn to let go. Everything must come to an end at some point in time, if it ends before you do it is often better to accept the change then to try to fight it."
This is referring to many things. Material objects do not go with you when it's your time to go, so why should you care about them? It time every material thing you care about will be gone. Wood rots, metal rusts, objects decay in time, but love and compassion are eternal. And speaking of love and compassion, what about those guys/girls that want to move on and away from your life? Let them go too. If you really care about them then you should understand that what is most important is that they are safe and happy. If that means allowing them to move on without you, be compassionate and loving enough to let them go without making them feel guilty for doing so.

I hope this helps those of you who didn't understand some of the things I said the first time (Bledri). :)
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Re: Jediism
Post # 18
You're doing a very good job here, Rag. You've made me proud. :D
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Re: Jediism
Post # 19
Thank you, Shadow.
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Re: Jediism
Post # 20
i have one disagreeance with jediism
everything happens for a reason there saying the future is set in stone and i sincerely doubt that :|
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