chi/ki/qi and psi

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Re: chi/ki/qi and psi
Post # 9
Dunno about qi.
Qi is a derivative based on different languages.
I know of chi, ki and psi (in this context).
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Re: chi/ki/qi and psi
Post # 10
chi is qi with differnt spelling lol its the origanal way to spell
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Re: chi/ki/qi and psi
Post # 11
No rongoo. Most people say that because it is heard to understand. Ki and Chi are two different forses located in the same. Chi is the energy around you that is your manna. Ki is KINETIC energy. So ki is the energy used in kinetics. Chi is used as a life energy (the way I use it) becasue you can make people "trade" personalizes (I have done it so it is real). So Rongoo if they had the same energy's then their would be no manna nor the other one (Forgot the other one). Chi means life in Chinese. Ki means Ki. Ki is Turkish not Japaneses nor Chinese. Tho the Chinese discovered both energy's.
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Re: chi/ki/qi and psi
By: / Adept
Post # 12
In popular occultism it is very common to take knowledge from various sciences and other disciplines and kind of "tweak" it to make it more relevant to occultism. I have no problem with this usually (not always, though).

In two years, God willing, i will be a certified acupunturist, having finished my masters in acupunture and all the certification requirements. In five years i will be a Doctor of Chinese Medicine with a PhD in Traditional Chinese Medicine, again God willing. Needless to say, chi is paramount in my studies - although i am far from an expert.

This is what i am taught by some pretty darn fine teachers in the field:

Chi (Yale translation)
Qi (Pinyin system)
Ch'i (Wades-Giles)

These are all the same things just different spellings. Chinese is NOTORIOUSLY hard to translate, and therefore there are three different translations which are generally accepted. Qi/chi/and ch'i are all the same things.

Ki is the Japanese spelling of the word chi. In Chinese medicine there is NO differentiation between chi and ki. It's just like in the US we spell color like so, and in the UK and others spell it with a u - colour. Ki=Chi

In TCM there is no determination between "internal" chi and "external" chi, although there most definitely is a difference.

Any distinction that exists in the occult circles may very well be some sort of borrowing and blending of traditions - but i can say with certainty - it is not traditional Chinese chi theory. Traditional Chinese Medicine does distinguish three main types of internal/external energies: chi, jing, and shen, should one desire to research this.

Also, chi is almost impossible to describe thoroughly to non-Asians. The best beginner-ish article i ever studied on the subject was seven pages long. To say it's energy is a gross simplification, but there's no better one-word description.

I wrote another long rambling post on this topic which talks a touch about what chi is:

Also, something doesn't have to be old and traditional in order to be "right." I'm not saying that at all.
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Re: chi/ki/qi and psi
Post # 13
If this is true then thare would only be Manna but thare is also prana (qi energy). I use to say the same thang till KAO and BALLANCE said thare was a diffrence.
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Re: chi/ki/qi and psi
Post # 14
yes there is a difference, but... prana is mana that is converted into life force through special breathing exrecises, also i must comment aboutmaking things smaller, if you simply make something smaller, you simply make it smaller but it keeps its strength, if you compress it it gets stronger (think concentrated juice, the air in an energy ball is pushed out so only energy remains, and lastly as nex said, energy is simply energy, yes it is nice to know some things about it, but in the end, if i throw an energy ball at someone, it doesnt matter what you use, if the intent is good (yes you can do good things with energy balls too) who cares?
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Re: chi/ki/qi and psi
By: / Adept
Post # 15
There exists all types of energies: personal, environments, astral, astrological, on and on ad infinitum. They have different densities, spectrums, "uses," etc.

People just give them different names because it's human nature to assign names and categorize and to differentiate one from the other: chi, jing, shen, psi, prana, Spirit, shakti, reiki, etheric/ketheric, radiatory, etc.

I was only speaking as to Traditional Chinese Medicine and chi, as i've been taught - which is probably different than what others have been taught.
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Re: chi/ki/qi and psi
Post # 16
not ki qi its how chi is normally spelt in china...
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Re: chi/ki/qi and psi
Post # 17
Sinc everyone else has a view Ill add mine too lol.In traditional Chinese culture, qi ( / ; Pinyin qì,- Wade-Giles ch'i- Jyutping hei; -Japanese ki;- Vietnamese khí; Korean gi; and pronounced IPA: [ti] in Standard Mandarin)It is an active principle forming part of any living thing.
It is frequently translated as "energy flow," or the Common Greek , meaning "air," "breath," or "spirit"; In the Japanese language, the Chinese character corresponding to qi () is pronounced ki. The Japanese language contains over 11,442 known usages of "ki" as a compound. As a compound, it may represent syllables associated with the mind, the heart, feeling, the atmosphere, and flavor(from Wikipedia)

So actually Ki Is the Japanese word for Chinese word Qi it just has many more uses in Japanese.
Chi, Ch'i or qi (pronounced "chee" and henceforth spelled "chi") is the Chinese word used to describe "the natural energy of the Universe." This energy, though called "natural," is spiritual or supernatural, and is part of a metaphysical, not an empirical, belief system.
This is a link to a good definition for chi .
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Re: chi/ki/qi and psi
Post # 18
Chi (Qi) is the energy within you that flows through things called meridians or "Chi paths". these paths are aligned to your element(s) and the ones not aligned are passive. In Ancient eastern Chinese mythology one could reach out to one of the elements with his/her Chi and use it how ever he/she saw fit. this may sound familiar as "bending" because Avatar the last air bender and Legend of Korra did a sort of spin off of this mythology. Chi is not like other energys that are simply slapped as energy. you might have heard "Chi is the energy all around us, in every living being, in the air, the rocks" this is false... Chi is a BODILY energy. Your spirit allows this energy to be present but your spirit contains no Chi. Chi is in some animals but usually not. Chi meridians are what acupuncturists use to guide them to where to place needles. you can also be Chi blocked and your energy flows stopped. being chi blocked can have a variety of effects ranging from paralysis, simply not being able to use chi related things, in rare cases not being able to use any magic related things because chi paths align directly with the parts of the body that allow the soul to let magic out, and in rare cases chi blocking can be used to kill another...

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